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Philz20 Blog

Just beat KOTOR!

Yeah, that's right, I beat KOTOR I. I beat KOTOR II a few months ago, but I got the first one for my birthday, so that's why I beat it so late. I played as a Light Side character and I thought it was a lot of fun. The only thing I didn't like was Force Storm was weak compared to the sequel and the robes looked awful until you got to the Star Forge. Malak was tough because he was just so strong. Otherwise the game was really fun. So what lies next for me? Besides SOCOM II, I'm planning to play KOTOR II again as a Light Side character again. "Why would you do that?" you might ask. Instead of being a Jedi Master, I want to be a Jedi Weapon Master because it will probably make the game more enjoyable to me. Also I want to get the capable members in my party to become Jedi, since I didn't even know you could have done that. I've been looking to the day that I play KOTOR II again and it will come in a few days.

My history at GameFAQs.

As a lot of you know, I've been a member at GameSpot since July 2004. I'm known for making the Conan O'Brien Union and I'm somewhat respected by certain groups of users. But you don't know where I came from. I want to share my history at GameFAQs.

It all started on the night of December 23, 2002. I saw some posts on the GTA: VC board and I wanted to post there. So I decided to make myself a GameFAQs account. For my first four months, I was a complete newb. I got modded 4 times (3 for off-topic, 1 for trolling, all NKL's) and didn't know how to use some of the site features. I felt lonely, I felt lost. One day I went to MBH to ask a question and there I met a good friend. He's known as Baseman. I started talking to him a lot and he made me appreciate MBH more. Eventually, he brought me to a board known as Kangaroo or the KGB (Kangaroo Game Board). There I met a few mods and some MBH regulars. I posted more at MBH and started to pay attention to the rules and other parts of the site. Eventually Kangaroo got flooded and we made a new home, Defender. I loved Defender. I was the 6th person to be invited there and we pretty much built the board from scratch. Soon enough, I start posting at MBH all the time and really get the joy of helping people out. Nothing noteworthy happened until April 2004. tiger8191 was granted a private board. This was prime to us because we needed a board where no trolls could ever visit. So we brought back the KGB. KGB is where I post the most. I love that board. I like the community and I feel good being there. I left MBH for a little while, but now I've started to come back to it. I love helping people out. I love knowing more about the site as I keep going there.

So what do I want to do in the future at GameFAQs? I want to be a mod. I've been wanting to be one for quite some time now. I want to be a mod because I want to make a difference to GameFAQs. I want to feel like that I'm doing something good there. Sure I could make reviews and contribute FAQs, but is that what I want to do? I get a good feeling of helping people and I have a strong knowledge about the TOS. I will uphold the TOS and punish the people that violate it. I hate it when I see violations on the boards and it affects normal posting. I have learned what mistakes I have made in the past and learn from them. I just want to give GameFAQs something back for all it has given to me. GameFAQs has served as a home for me for 2 1/2 years and now I want to show my appreciation to it by making th message boards a better place.

The Conan O'Brien Union/new games

I've been the leader/operator of the Conan O'Brien Union since August when I created the board. Since then, we've had our lows and highs, but after the making of the official union, we need activity! With 60+ members, I have no clue why there isn't any activity. It's a great union, but we need people to post a lot.

I also bought two new games for my Xbox:
Burnout 3: Takedown
Star Wars: Republic Commando

Burnout 3 came out last year, but I didn't show much interest for it until GS gave it Xbox Game of the Year. All I can say to Burnout 3 is one thing: Perfection. That is the most enjoyable driving game that I have ever played. It's just so... perfect.

Star Wars: Republic Commando is really fun. It's kind of like Freedom Fighters, Halo 2, and Metroid all-in-one. It's a really fun game.

Unions, GF mods, school, etc.

The union thing seems alright. I feel that GS really needs to make a lot of improvements to it to make it successful, though.

After hearing the new GS mod selection, it made me wonder if GF would bring out mod apps for the first time in over two years. The Lead Mods were recently introduced, so maybe that's a sign for things to come. I've shown interest in becoming one for a really long time and to see GF keep growing without new mods is kind of painful. We need fresh faces and I hope I can be one of them! :P

School is going okay this week. Not great, but alright. Two more days until Spring Break, though! :D

What should I say, SOCOM III is going to rule.

No doubt in my mind. SOCOM II has been pissing me off badly lately just because I can't get many legit kills. Sure, I lit up the guy but he still lives. Typical SOCOM. I took a look at a SOCOM III single player video and it looked pretty sweet. I can't wait for it until this fall. I still have $150 in Target gift cards, but I'm not sure what to buy. I want to get GT4 and Republic Commando, but then I'll only have about $50 left. Not cool. If I'm out of gift card money by the time SOCOM III comes out, then I'll definitely take $50 from the bank because SOCOM III will be worth getting on the first day.

School has been alright, even though I feel more and more stressed about it. It pisses me off, it always seems like the school week goes incredibly slow and then the weekend goes incredibly fast. We had a 4-day weekend last week and it flew by like nothing. It pissed me off badly. Grr....

I feel like knocking myself out.

Gah, this pisses me off. I was assigned a history project yesterday and it's due tomorrow. We have to design a park then write a mission statement about it. It doesn't sound that bad, but when you have to do it according to your partner's drawing, things don't always go exactly the way it should be. It pisses me off badly. We should have had at least a week to do this crap. Such bs.

I haven't had time to play any games lately because I've been too busy with school. It's pissing me off so badly. This week has been tough. I'm sure that I've been kicked out of my SOCOM II clan and I haven't had any time to go on Halo 2. All this stuff is hurting me badly. I would have played last week, but my dog died, so I spent the weekend grieving with my family. I hope this weekend is excellent.

The weather here is supposed to be incredibly cold. Subzero highs for the next 5 days. I hope that it's so cold tomorrow that I don't have school. That would own so much. I doubt it'll happen since our superintendent is a *****. The last time we got a day off because of the weather was back in March 2002 when we had a foot of snow. It has not snowed here or has been as cold in a very long time. Lets hope this will get me a snow day tomorrow. I need a break badly. If we get tomorrow off, that'll mean 4-day weekend. That would be awesome, but I doubt we'll get that. Possible, but the chances are not likely at all.

GTA rules my soul.

Seriously. For two weeks in a row now, I have played GTA:SA for a total of 14 hours on Friday and Saturday. It is that suburb. Anyone who has a PS2 should get this game NOW.

SOCOM II still rules. I've been doing better than ever in the game.

The LiveSTRONG bracelets came last week. OWNAGE!

Two. More. Days.

Until SA finally comes out! I don't know if EBgames is selling it to people who preordered tomorrow night, but my mom is going to check tomorrow. I'm so hyped. This game is making me die just because I want it badly.

Oh yeah, the LiveSTRONG bracelets still haven't come yet! It's pissing me off badly and it has almost been 4 weeks. Gah.

Man, I'm gettin hyped about GTA: SA.

I mean it. I'm ready for it to come out. I want it so badly. It's becoming like a drug to me and I need it badly. I have to wait 8 more days, though. If R* didn't fall behind, it would be out tomorrow. I have only 3 days of school this week and it would have been kickass if I could play it over the 4-day weekend.

Oh yeah, the LiveSTRONG bracelets still haven't come yet. It's pissing me off.