@handofkain I really hate comments like this. People like to think AC is just getting reskinned every year, but the fact of the matter is the games actually had a ton of updates every year. Just look at all the stuff that was in Brotherhood that wasn't in AC2. And likewise with AC:R. AC3 was a step sideways for the series, but the Assassins Creed franchise is nowhere near the copy-paste formula that COD has had for the past 4 to 5 years.
@justinka777 7Yeah, but that takes way more time and the upgrades are very small. I've beaten the game twice and put in over 50 hours, but my highest level Badass Perk is 8% extra damage to guns.
@ZOD777 Brotherhood and especially Revelations added a bunch of new things to do that weren't in ACIII. Brotherhood is probably the best AC in terms of adding a bunch of fun stuff to do, it's not just changing the setting.
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