@kiramasaki "Doesn't sell enough? Then why the hell did they release 3 main titles, and two spin offs with Apollo and Edgeworth"
Because it's a popular series in Japan and that money allows them to cater to fans in the west. Making it digital only will save them money. Not buying it will only make Capcom think the west doesn't care about Phoenix Wright. Good job.
Honestly don't care. Every single one of those features were interesting distractions but I haven't used them since they actually came out. If Nintendo wants to stop wasting their time with this stuff, I say let 'em.
Meanwhile Evil Dead will be coming to theaters pretty soon. Ya know, that movie that got an NC-17 for violence until they cut it down for an R rating. But whatever, that's a movie. Totally different.
@amaneuvering Or imagine a lego game, in which all of those characters are already in the game and you don't have to go out and buy a bunch of physical media to play as them.
@CommodoreRaslin @Poodlejumper @djball How was the ending extremely forced and poorly? This is one of those rare experiences in a medium where experiencing it a second time you are able to see just how many hints were given to you that you didn't know about. Whether or not you liked Bioshocks story is your prerogative but it would be stupidity to not respect it for being an extremely well told story.
@vunacar I don't know who killed your imagination, but I want to punch them in the throat. Saying multiverses and time traveling is poor mans story telling and serves no purpose is insane. You are a boring person.
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