If the gov't wanted to they could easily kill everyone on planet earth in a few minutes. I think they (or at least some of them) are much more interested in controlling people, which makes me interested in giving them as little control over every aspect of my life as possible. The less control and power they have, the less they can abuse, in my eyes anyway.
But again, hardly anyone does stuff for "no reason". There's "no reason" to misuse this technology NOW, so there's no reason for anyone to misuse it. However, it's equally wrong to dismiss people's concerns as irrational. If there ever IS a reason to misuse it, it'll be VERY convenient if this kind of technology has become a feature of every single car on the road.
Right now, it's possible to remotely activate peoples' cell phones and use them to secretly transmit peoples' conversations. How often is that actually DONE, though? I'd wager not often. But that scares me a hell of a lot more than Onstar, and I actually have a cell phone. Cell phones scare me a lot more. Because I can certainly imagine more of a REASON to secretly use people's phones as spying devices, than I can imagine a REASON for the government to use Onstar in order to shut down your car.
Concern about this level of control is absolutely warranted, but I think that Onstar is small potatoes. No one does stuff for no reason, so WHY would Onstar be used to shut down your car? What does anyone actually have to gain from doing that?
I did not know that about cell phones. Basically we are all screwed then, so bring on the onstar baby.
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