"As pointed out in a recent Reality Check episode, according to a study by the Entertainment Software Association, out of 1.2 billion gamers worldwide 48 percent are female and 52 percent are male."
Of that '48 percent', how many play hardcore games, and aren't just playing Angry Birds, Candy Crush or Farmville? Just asking.
Can you blame us? Let's go over the history when we let girls, gays and left-wing liberals into games, after it was seen as being cool to like games now:
1. A giant feminist named Anita Sarkeesian, coming in and calls us-- and all our favourite games from the Super Nintendo age-- sexist and misogynist. Then gets $158,922 for it!
2. Tom McShea crys about "The Disturbing Representation of Women in the Rainbow Six: Siege E3 Demo", and how sexist it was using a woman as a hostage, in a game all about saving hostages.
3. The whole "Assassin's Creed Unity's lack of playable female characters"
4. Kotaku.... where to start? How about that whole "What Some Male Gamers Want Female Soldiers To Look Like" article, or how about that whole Dragon's Crown thing with Jason Schreier? Or just about *everything* with Patricia Hernandez?
5. That silly "just let it happen, it'll be over soon" joke at E3, which no one would have cared if he just said it to a guy instead of a woman.
6. How about Manveer Heir suggesting at GamesIndustry/GDC that all games are misogynistic, racist, and homophobic. Then adding: all game makers shouldn't just include different races, genders and sexual orientation into their games, but should work "harder" to make them "respectful". Meaning no Cole Train, no 50 Cent, no Barrett Wallace, no Sazh Katzroy, no Emmett Graves, no Rochelle or Coach (l4d2), and so on....
7.How about everytime a game comes out without a female character (like Deep Down), people start calling the developer sexist? And when they do add one in, something controversial happens: like that "ra*e" scene in Tomb Raider, or "misogynistic" scene in Hitman's Attack of the Saints?
So again, can you really blame us for wanting to keep you out of the club? Because everytime we let some people like you in, they look at our Aphroditē Venus de Milo, get offended, and cry out "that's sexist!"
(note: not all girls and gays are bad, but sites like Kotaku aren't helping.)
I think they should have some more shooters. Everything from Doom 1&2, to Doom 3, Half-Life 2, to everything you can push in from the 6 & 7 Gen consoles.
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