But doesn't homosexuals and people who support them love to say the same things to christianity and religions? They talk as if religions were all crazy stupid or something.
I don't know. I'm going to bed, and unless you want to keep going tomorrow, I guess it ends here. Thanks for replying.
Oh, I knew that! I was just trying to be funny! really!
"but you're blaming it on the homosexuals...and that's pretty damn weird."
(sigh) It's complicated, and I'm getting sleepy.
I'll try to explain it: They lied about being X-COM fans, and took a HUGE chance on this "60's period piece", and didn't took any chance on X-COM-- you know, the same X-COM they were suppost to be working on; The same X-COM fans have been waiting for?
It sounds like if they didn't care for this same-sex nonsense, then maybe they would of cared more to make a X-COM game. But they didn't want to take too many risks, so X-COM gameplay had to go, and same-sex gets to stay.
"Saying they changed 100% is just going over the top."
Okay then, What makes this a X-COM game? No Research, Manufacturing, Base Building, Agent Control, or even Strategy. The setting isn't just moved 60 years into the past, but isn't even part of the X-COM universe anymore.
On top of that, it rips-off the gameplay of Mass Effect, and every cover-based shooter out there.
"And it does make you come across as irrational and intolerant."
(sigh) I know, and I'm sorry. But I hear a lot of bad things from gays, like "The fury of the 'Crash'-lash" by Roger Ebert, and it doesn't help me to like them.
Yes, it bother me alot. They lied to us, saying they were huge fans as well, and everything they did to the game "was for the best" for the fans and game. My fav game was over 15 years old, and played like no other. 15 years I waited, and for what?
The name of the game: X-COM
This is what the first game looked like:
And this fan explains why the reboot "XCOM" is so bad :
But fortunately, the developer's game moved to 2014, and Firaxis saved the day with a real X-COM game.
I even have a interview where the guy who made it said this game was one big huge political commentary, but I don't know if gamespot would let me post it. I'll try in the next post below and see if it shows.
@Hellhound30x@Shanks_D_Chop The funny thing is that they did try to change one of my fav game to serve gays. They wanted to make a political commentary/message of tolerance, and to do this the changed *everything* to put gays in the best of light.
You think having Mario marry Lugi is bad? You should of seen what they did to my poor fav game with their "reboot"
@Leir_Bag @PodXCOM So you want to be brainwashed and talked down to every time you try to relax? I'm sorry, I just disagree with that.
And you're only saying this because it agrees with you! If the story was attacking homosexuals would you still be defending it.
You want art? Go read Dune, for a start.
I want games to be art, but art doesn't need to be a political commentary or allegory. In fact, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are art, and the great J.R.R. Tolkien said this: “I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.”
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