WOW did she honestly say that the Halo 5 cinematic has a Prothean? Thats Mass Effect, Promethans or Forerunners are the enemy in Halo. GS, at least get people who know what they are talking about to make videos please
I must say that while Sony drilled Microsoft at their press conference, Microsoft won in the Games area. Most "core" gamers play core games, however many indie games they make is not going to sway the "core" audience. Titanfall, a new Halo, Forza 5, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, a lot of variety in their exlcusives, and surprisingly enough, no shooter in their Day One launch title. Sony showcased many multiplat games, and besides a surprise showing from KH3, I saw many exclusives that were long outsold by their couterparts, namely Infamous and Killzone. But Sony's stance on policy has left me hoping that Microsoft will take the sudden shift in momentum to PS4 as an opportunity to can the always online and used games policies they hold so high right now.
@Shewgenja @JamDev @Pokemon18986 Or you could play offline like normal individuals would at a beach house and just have the system re connect later.... like the 360 now
@JamDev @Pokemon18986 @Shewgenja Unless publishers choose not to take a cut, and MS is giving the publishers incentive to make money. More money means more exclusives for the Xbox, more timed deals, more exlcusive rights
@JamDev Options how? Microsoft said most games they make will have their own dedicated servers. But we are talking about a hardware software company that was built on computer and the understanding of those systems. Not to mention they took MGS as an exclusive from the PS4 and Titanfall has been confirmed an Xbox exclusive, meaning if MS has too, they will but the rights to it so it'll never end up on the PS
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