@Shewgenja @Pokemon18986 This is about how clearly, you do not realize Microsoft has left everything to do with used games and trading games to the publishers, and why not compare the two things that are so similar which you trash in your comments. And Kinect can be turned off, it connects only to update your games, which saves you time
@OldKye @Pokemon18986 All the offline crap and trade games is all up to the publishers, dont trash MS for that. Sony will adopt it too, lord knows they need the money.
@Shewgenja Microsoft is asking you to pay 5 dollars a month for two free games a month, Sounds pretty fuckin reasonable for a software hardware company that has access to what makes Xbox Live better than the free Playstation Network
@Shango4 I love how non-biased and completely accurate that article is. Especially the part about how Microsoft is trying to create a false sense of games and bs bs bs. Way to keep it unbiased
@OldKye @Vienreich Right screw you, we are going to give you two free games every month, and when we do what you want, like show games at our conference, just hate on us, pls
@TheShutup @Pokemon18986 Are you fucked? Last two articles were about how the press conference was terrible, even though it is what everyone asked for. Sony fanboys everywhere. IGN is run by them
Pokemon18986's comments