Hey guys, WOW I have been so busy i haven't blogged in agess!
Anyway lets start with Christmas, hope you guys had a good one and heres the games i got, got some shi.tty games but also some amazing ones! :P
Assassins Creed - WOW Best Game on The 360 IMO (not much of a fps fan)
Super mario galaxy - Good Ol' Nintendo =] ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER CREATED EVER.
Timeshift - ... ~_~
PES 08 - Broken..
Sega rally - underated, Pretty good racer except for the invisible walls lol :P not bad though
Tomb Raider - Havent even taken it out its packaging yet so i dont no how good it is yet
Resident evil UC - Brilliant! Now this is MY kind of shooter =]
So theres the games i got but i also got something else in my stocking, an n64 expansion pak! I was so suprised but well pleased =] I can now play for the first time ever MAJORAS MASK.. as some of you no i am a HUGE zelda fan and i have yet to play this so i cant wait to get started :D
Also me and my dad convertedthis old room in the house into a Gaming room and it's awesome so now i can play more and in peace away from everyone xD Bought i surround sound system for the room and i wireless adaptor for the 360 but with all the live problems and my subscription running out 2 days ago i havent even played my xbox.
My friend got a wii! yay after wanting one for a year YAY =]
Now New years, this year is what i hope for from the industry -
. Nintendo to carry on its success
. Nintendo wii to get more third party games
. News on RE5
. News on the next zelda game
. xbox live to become free because M$ somehow have a brainwave 0_o
.a release date for brawl in UK
. More wifi games for wii
WOW this blog was late. Anyway the best news to recieve in 2008 would be more info on a new zelda title. I'm very sure they will be some, maybe at E3 maybe before but i bet there will be some. However I'm worried, Miyamoto said that the series will completely change and will be unlike any of its kind. Twilight princess was supposed to be a zelda game with everything from all its predacesors. This is good, but also horribly not good. This means NO TWILIGHT PRINCESS SEQUEL. :'( If they are completely changing the series then it will have nothing to do with twilight princess i really wanted a sequel and i really thought we were going to get one, look;
Ocarina of time.. sequel - Majoras mask
Wind waker.. sequel - Phantom hourglass
Twilight princess .. - ??? Some unkown zelda game that has completely changed.
I feel twilightprincess was the best zelda game in the series, thats right, i think its better than ocarina of time. I would of loved a sequel but it doesnt look like that is going to happen now.
I just hope they don't change it too much :(
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