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PolkaStripe Blog

My blog..

.. Is about to get more personal! I am going to post blogs about games and stuff sure! but i will start posting alot more and i will start posting alot more personal blogs which cover everything. One day i might blog about my day or info on if i get into college or something then another day it could be my top 10 games or something.

Anyway it will be better to read.

Peace. x

Hahaha lol

At school people were reading my blog on A** H****** i cant say the name because they have been searching his name in google and it comes up with gamespot and XD hahaha

people were saying how funny it was and stuff but i'd rather them not see my gamespot and other profiles because they would probably ridicule me for being a girl gamer :[

Oh wellllll

peace x


I have made a previous blog on this moron...

He goes to my school and is the biggest fanboy ever. I hate him. He is biased not only about the consoles specs but the fact on wether he can afford them or not. He has the nerve to say for about 2 months ''I'm getting a wii for xmas.. I'm getting a wii!'' Then its announced the 360 CORE system is being brought down in price.. to the same as the wii's. He then switches over and says ''I'm getting a 360 instead'' which is fair enough but what gets me is that now he has a 360 he constantly **** about nintendo and the wii saying is crap!! He was going to get one until the 360 price drop!!

Now he has pissed me off really bad.. he knows i own an Elite.. and He knows that i no he has a CORE (crap) and he **** to my friends and too my face saying ''My CORE is better thanS****** ELITE becauseS****** said hers made a funny noise when she played tomb raider''


My friend josh said he is just jealous that i have 8 consoles and he has 2. Also he is a hardcore gamer.. 1 of only a few at my school that bothers with these types of sites. He thinks he knows more than me. Which he blatently doesnt because he doesnt even no the specs of a 360 elite let alone anything else... He thinks he is the best gamer in school. I doubt this very very much, the only thing he could out do me in is maybe a ps2 game because i havent built my collection or practised yet.

I hate this Fanboy. He uses GameRadar and constantly nags at me saying ''Gamespots crap and gets all the news last'' Well at least i no the news.. and have knowledge of this stuff unlike him..

He had ago at my friend josh for buying a wii and loving it. ''Wii doesnt have good graphics so its crap'' FFS your not a true gamer if you cant see it has a great library of games out. ~_~ He may never learn...

Even a Playstation fanboy at school said to me ''i dont really like the wii but i think its amazing what nintendo are doing'' Thats the kind of person you want to meet in this world..


I no i used to be a tad biased against the PS3 and sony but i have learnt.. and grew up.. I plan to get one later this year to take advantage of blu-ray and play games like Haze and Uncharted

SUPPORT ANTI-FANBOYISM and be a HardCore Gamer... =]

Merry Christmas, Happy new year, The game i got.. OMG I'm late x]

Hey guys, WOW I have been so busy i haven't blogged in agess!

Anyway lets start with Christmas, hope you guys had a good one and heres the games i got, got some shi.tty games but also some amazing ones! :P

Assassins Creed - WOW Best Game on The 360 IMO (not much of a fps fan)

Super mario galaxy - Good Ol' Nintendo =] ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER CREATED EVER.

Timeshift - ... ~_~

PES 08 - Broken..

Sega rally - underated, Pretty good racer except for the invisible walls lol :P not bad though

Tomb Raider - Havent even taken it out its packaging yet so i dont no how good it is yet

Resident evil UC - Brilliant! Now this is MY kind of shooter =]

So theres the games i got but i also got something else in my stocking, an n64 expansion pak! I was so suprised but well pleased =] I can now play for the first time ever MAJORAS MASK.. as some of you no i am a HUGE zelda fan and i have yet to play this so i cant wait to get started :D

Also me and my dad convertedthis old room in the house into a Gaming room and it's awesome so now i can play more and in peace away from everyone xD Bought i surround sound system for the room and i wireless adaptor for the 360 but with all the live problems and my subscription running out 2 days ago i havent even played my xbox.

My friend got a wii! yay after wanting one for a year YAY =]

Now New years, this year is what i hope for from the industry -

. Nintendo to carry on its success

. Nintendo wii to get more third party games

. News on RE5

. News on the next zelda game

. xbox live to become free because M$ somehow have a brainwave 0_o

.a release date for brawl in UK

. More wifi games for wii

WOW this blog was late. Anyway the best news to recieve in 2008 would be more info on a new zelda title. I'm very sure they will be some, maybe at E3 maybe before but i bet there will be some. However I'm worried, Miyamoto said that the series will completely change and will be unlike any of its kind. Twilight princess was supposed to be a zelda game with everything from all its predacesors. This is good, but also horribly not good. This means NO TWILIGHT PRINCESS SEQUEL. :'( If they are completely changing the series then it will have nothing to do with twilight princess i really wanted a sequel and i really thought we were going to get one, look;

Ocarina of time.. sequel - Majoras mask

Wind waker.. sequel - Phantom hourglass

Twilight princess .. - ??? Some unkown zelda game that has completely changed.

I feel twilightprincess was the best zelda game in the series, thats right, i think its better than ocarina of time. I would of loved a sequel but it doesnt look like that is going to happen now.

I just hope they don't change it too much :(

mock exams finito!

yeah my exams finished i got these results so Far (keep in mind there practise exams!!!)

art - B

Maths - C

English - C/B

Science - dont no yet

Geography - C

History - dont no yet


PSE - Dont no yet

RE - dont no yet

Well all good so far, especially because in some classes the highest you can get is a C ~_~

Anyway college here i come.

One year of Wii.

The 8th of December, the day that re-kindled my fire for gaming, the wii was released in Europe. A year on and i am not dissapointed one bit =] I started off with wii sports which was like :Dsuper fun:D especially multiplayer then there was wii play which was over a bit to quickly but hey.. free remote! Then there was my favourite game EVER, Twilight princess :D I spent 103 hours playing it and i still going fishing from time to time :) Absolutley brilliant =D Then back in march i got wario ware which was CRAZY!! I was like O_O most of the time because of all the colours!! It's a really fun game and i laugh everytime i play with my friends. Then i got resident evil 4, another game which immersed me straight away. Me and im friends constantly quote ''LEOONN'' at school just to joke around XD

What a year it's been! The wii has definatly brought me my best gaming year yet =]

However as of last week igot a 360. But... when i first got it i was like wow yay finally... i put halo 3 in watched the first cutscene and was like hm pretty cool. But it hasnt got me hooked or anything =\ not like zelda did. I have stopped playing campaign for a while due to bordom but i love the online and thats all i've been doing. I lent bioshock of my friend and its good but i am still not addicted =[

Maybe Nintendo is the only gaming company with the power to do that.