Thought it was time i did another blog! So im now level 19 ... level 18 went ridiculously fast?! It kinda just skipped it! Anyway enough about the level... I have saved up £157:16 for the xbox 360 elite.... in about 3 1/2 weeks!! Good eh? well i worked out that if i get that 30% discount i only have £57:64 to go! But.. theres the 3 years extended warranty and that sums up to £35:99, but there is no way on this earth that im getting the xbox 360 elite without an extended warranty! *ahem* 3 red lights *ahem* So anyway im going to get lots of online games so be sure to play me! Just so i can kick your ass :D Also i went into gamestation earlier and played the stranglehold demo it was really really good! I'm definatly going to get it! The graphics are superb and the moves whilst taking shots at people are awesome! So anyone with an xbox 360 should get this game!
I realised earlier i haven't reviewed many games recently because i've been focused on trying to get people to join my union and other stuff like school ect. So im going to start reviewing all the games in my collection so maybe you should check them out!
Thats it for another blog post!
ciao. xx
Okay so school is back Kinda - :) but also :|Yeaaahh... Here are my results from year 10 mocks.
Coursework =High B
Exam = C
Speaking and listening - B
Exam -B
Coursework - Not marked yet
Exam - C
Coursework - Not started yet
Also Mock means - Practise exam before the main ones for GCSE's
I start GCSES In january and summer next year so i hope i do good! So anyway. Yes. it happened im back at school. The day has changed, the lessons used to be 50mins each and we had 6 a day now we have 1 hour lessons and 5 a day! Which i love!!!! after lunch break we have one lesson then im free for another day :D I also did well enough in my maths exam to stay in set 2!!!! thank god =] Anyway i have a new emblem! apparently im obbsessed with the Gamecube! .. quite true! It has the best library of games ever! =] Also still saving up for the xbox 360 elite! Im more than halfway lets just leave it at that =] I just dont wanna be too over hyped because it will be a while before i get it =\
Also join NBNU people!!!
The guys at Nintendo arn't scared of showing how happy the DS and Wii sales make them!
Funniest Pic ever.
So as all my regular blog readers no i am saving for an xbox 360 elite! My brothers girlfriends sister works at GAME so i can get her 30% discount :P so the elite costs me £210!!!!!!! Im so looking forward to getting it :D i have saved £110 so far in a month which is pretty good considering i have no job or anything lol! so im £100 off... my aim is to have enough by october so that gives me a month of saving. Ive been doing my friends paper round while she is on holiday for 2 weeks and i get paid tommorrow (£14:60... i know its pathetic money but it will all add up soon!)
Anyway so i have this union. Which is dead. Only me gigabowser and cartoonkid35 seem to be the only ones active! So yeah if you like anything to do with Nintendo join my union! I update it alll the time so yeah join! :D Also i need officers so ask me if you want to be one and tell me what you will do for the union!
School next week! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeahh...
ordering pizza later woo! :P
but here in the UK? It doesn't even feel like it's started.. sure we have had a few really sunny days but with all the floods, rain and freezing cold days it feels like November. I'm looking out my window right now and its pouring down the road.. Anyway its back to school September 4th =\ Kinda happy because i get to see people who i haven't seen in a very long time but not happy because of having to do coursework, classword, exams ect ¬_¬ Anyway this is the picture we took of all of us before we broke up for the summer!
we take one of these photos evertime we break up.. wether its easter, christmas or in this case summer holidays ever since year 9. Im going into my last year at school =[so only around 3 more of these group photos left to take.. until college. Anyway now you guys have a vague idea of what i look like now and who my friends are.My idiotic brother reset my Wii by accident :evil: when it was away so...
All the stuff i saved deleted.
Virtual console games.. gone.
Internet channel gone.
everybody votes channel vanished.
Everything gone.. all the Mii's all the records GONE! I hate him. Also this is very important.. I hooked my wii back up to the internet but my friend code has now changed so EVERYONE add this new one and if you have the old one delete it.
Friend code - 3419436347272175
Nickname - stuanna
Comment this with your codes and nicknames please :D
Im going onto to put some save files onto an SD card.. im not doing Zelda and Resident evil 4 all over again! :|
thanks for reading!
.. Thats right. My wii still isn't home :|. I'm seeing my brother tonight coz he said I'll bring it home tueday but he never did. If it doesn't come home tonight Im gunna flip! He's had it for 2 1/2 weeks without permission so im getting really P!ssed off. Im so fed up with playing my cube and ps2 all the time.. it gets very boring playing the same games over and over :( I'll be so glad when my wii is finally home! =] I should be getting my xbox 360 elite around october time so I'll have another Next-gen :) Dont think I'll ever be getting the Playstation 3 because there is no games on it i want that arn't going to be on the xbox anyway so the ps3 is outta the question.
These are the games I'm getting for the two consoles -
Wii -
. resident evil Umbrella chronicles
. super smash bros brawl
. super mario galaxy
. wii fit :)
. Mario kart wii
. metriod prime 3: corruption
. Trauma center second opinion
. super paper mario
. fifa 08
. mario and sonic at the olympic games
. the simpsons
. no more heroes
. soul calibur legends
xbox 360 -
. forza motorsport 2
. halo 3
. Oblivion
. guitar hero II
My Wii has been gone for too long now. My inconsiderate brother is really taking the P***. Its been nearly two weeks now and he hasnt even told me when im having MY wii back. Im mean for god sake its mine! and he didnt even ask ¬_¬
Luckily i added the Wii's friend code to my hotmail contacts and im constantly sending it messages.. about 40 so far.. that should get his attention. :D Right im off to send some more Messages =D
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