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PolkaStripe Blog

Jobs for under-16's.... WHERE?!?!

Oh My God!

How hard is it to find a job these days for under 16s!!!!!!! My friend josh works at Halford and gets £240 a month.. lucky git. My friend sam works at Who farm! God knows how much she gets paid! All my friends with jobs didn't even looks for them, they got offered! Everywere i go ''you have to be 16 to work here!'' ''You need a CV.. come back when your 16!'' ''no jobs at the moment sorry.'' Can't i once get a break!? They always look for experienced workers.. all Ive ever done is a year and a bit doing a paperound and 2 weeks work experience in a clothes shop called Bay trading. I wish it was easier to find work!!! My friends are sooo lucky, and they never even put any effort in to get there jobs! They already had jobs when they got offered!

Lifes sooo unfair :(

Lots has happened in a week!

The past 7 days alot has happened, So i'll start off with the first thing..

My brother borrowed my wii without permission! He came over and just took it to his girlfriends place and i haven't seen him in a week! :evil: Of course i would of let him borrow it but him sneakily taking it early one morning then lot replying to any of my texts has led me to a decision. Never let anyone borrow your stuff! let alone take it without persmission!

Anyway a bad thing has happened to him aswell :D He's manager of Staples, a store for computers stationary ect i dont no if you have it over there in the USA for my american readers, anyway Some Loon decided it would be fun to drive a truck straight through the middle of an island and smash into the back of Staples! The car completely smashed through and into the store.. and guess what.. He stole around £300 worth of junk. £300 is nothing to staples who has millions of pounds worth of stuff out! Laptops, PC's, printerseverything! but no this loser decides to steal a chair ?!? and a £100 printer. I bet his truck was worth more! even if he stole it he could of sold it for more than £300 i think thats like $400 for those americans out there. Anyway now there a massive whole in the side of this store and two security guards have to stand there for the next month or two until its fixed!

Also another thing thats still going on after weeks and weeks is the flooding! Call this a summer?!?! we had a decent april but its all came back on us now with continous rain! I live near a place called Ironbridge.. its were the first Ironbridge in the world was made [duh] and that bridge goes over the river severn which has just gone outta control! lucky i live away far enough away from any of the surrounding rivers but at the back of my garden is a Lake called Trench pool and is that burst its banks then we'd be done for! but hopefully that won't happen and we will finally see some hot weather instead of this british cr.ap!

Anway there goes my rant of the day.. feel free to comment on how brilliant your weather is ¬_¬ and how brilliant it is to play your wii without hassel ¬_¬

Nintendo Wii Stolen!

Not mine! My english teachers!

She put it into the the boot of her car and locked it up. Next morning when she was getting in her car to go to school.. there was a red light on in the dashboard. It said the boot was open she went to the back of her car and the lock was all scratched and broken. When she looked in it was gone!!! If you've read the previous blog i said how she was bringing it into school to show the people who havent played before. I feel really sorry for her! If it was me I'd be crying like a baby.

Nintendo nintendo Everywhere!!

Recently at school Nintendo Fans seem to be swarming..

People playing DS's in class

My english teacher explaining how far she is in zelda =O and saying how one day soon she will bring her wii in for everyone to play!

and people reading ONM walking around school in class ect

I even spotted one of the languages teachers playing super mario bros on DS !

Good Ol' Nintendo Is really Dominating the gaming world!... or at least my school!

[NBNU] Nothing But Nintendo Union [NBNU] Join Today!

[NBNU] Nothing But Nintendo Union [NBNU] 

[NBNU] Is Looking for Members!

Anyone who loves Nintendo or one of its game series should join! Or if you are just merely interested visit the union today and check out our forum topics, friend code bank, updates on up and coming wii and DS games! We also provide help if you are stuck on a game! We will also have competitions coming soon and plus theres a space open to be an officer!

Nothing But Nintendo Union


Anyone in the same situation as me?

So... my friends started bullying me. They Don't think its bullying.  They think its just taking the mick and nothing to be upset about.  I have done nothing to them they just all of a sudden when i was off school for a day or two absolutly hated me when i got back.  I've had pens, paper food ect thrown at me, called stuff everyday and now i have no confidence and i feel like im having short panic attacks because i dread each day. Anyone with a similar problem or has had a similar problem please tell me.  I wanna talk about it.  Been happening for few months now.

Great =[

After two happy weeks of escaping the dread of school life, i have to go back. Back to the steroetypical, horrible, building which houses around 800 people i dispise.

Wish me luck.

Nothing But Nintendo (NBN) Union coming soon! [read on]

I creating the Nothing but Nintendo Union today and i need Members and officers to help me so please contact me if you are interested and i will put your name in.

As you can tell the Union is about everything and anything to do with Nintendo! From the days of NES to the Brand new Nintendo Wii. So if your a Nintendo fan or are just interested please contact me or sign up once its done!

Im in need of Eight  members that i can put in the union and out of the eight i need two officers so please contact me!

In the Twilight Princess Forum..

Some Nintendo hater said this --

All they do is revive stuff game after game. I'm starting to think that they can't come up with ANYTHING new or remotely good AT ALL; look at Mario...... Will we ever see the end of him? Get with it Nintendo! Playstation and XBOX come up with stuff new all the time why is your console and your characters so old! Can they not come up with something new? NO!!!

What the HELL?!

So the WII is OLD and Outdated huh? HA YOU SUCK AT LIFE!

(Yeah i forgot the name of the person who actually said it but ya no!)

Ocarina Overated?

Alot of people in the past 9 years have been saying that The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of time is overated. Well, sure if you think people loving this game and it getting a perfect 10 on gamespot is being ''Overated'' then you can think that all you like and be one of the odd few who do! It is not overated or spoken about too much its simply hard to move on and leave this game in a pile of Oldies as been as it shall be the foundation to every other upcoming game in the series! If you look at the newest addition Twilight Princess than you shall see even 9 years on it's surroundings and storylines are still based on Ocarina of time! Okay so it might not be the greatest game of all time as some of you negative people think but it has touched few hearts.


P.S the point of this blog is to call out to people and tell them not to keep saying ''Ooo this is so overated! .. its not that good.'' 

 So stop putting it down just because its old and people still talk about it!

C*lassics still deserve fame.