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Ponsardin Blog

Down with it and reverse.

Currently, I withholded all the images (avatar, banner and so on) while the new avatar... I can't retain the name of that object, I think it's sugar loaf. Meanwhile, I'm working on something good enough. Anyway, the situation won't last long. Meanwhile, I'm now using the pink color for my texts - sure, it's like the third time I make a change, but this could be my final one. Anyway, my best one. And I'm also planning doing some radical changes. I even want to reset my post count, but on this one I'll have to beg an admin. Why? Send me a PM and you will find out why. :P


Back on-track.

First of all, I would like to recommend a song. More exactly, a remix. Well, the remix I'm now recommending is for a known trip-hop song called '6 Underground' by Sneaker Pimps, and the remix is made by Two Lone Swordsmen. If you're really into ambient music, then you will sure know what kind of quality awaits you. Here's the link:


Then, why back on-track?!? Because my dad returned from his vacation and is now at duty. Leaving me home, sitting in front of my computer, surfing on GameSpot. :twisted:

Oh yeah, I'm now at full capacity. And look at that! :shock: I've been on Level 16 only for a day. But, at least, I have been on Magician Lord and I feel like I did something wrong. I thought I could skip it. Well, if only the admins would solve the damn problem with Level 20. If they would repair it before reaching it, it would be alot easier for me. However, the chances are very slim...

Not so slim are the chances of getting Outlier. Not that I'm a total emblem freak, but since I missed all of the 'watching live events' emblems, I should concentrate more on rare emblems that could make anybody jealous. It looks like someone already uncovered the secret of gaining Outlier, but not me. At least, yesterday I've re-rated a part of the games I already rated, so that there won't be any 10.0 - probably the cause why I'm not getting it. Anyway, I will PM some of the lucky earners and find out more how did they get it. Apparently, it's easier than I thought.

And, of course, I feel better than the last time I made a blog post. That's because both of 'loneliness' and the music. Oh, the music. Some good trip-hop music. :P


Furniture, emblems & frustrations

Okay, first the furniture.

Tommorow a set of four beds will arrive at my apartment's door! :) Until then, it's cleaning time! :cry:

Did you said emblems?

Yes. Talking about an emblem that I want to gain. It's about News Hound, a hand-picked emblem that is very hard to gain. Well, many tried and failed, others still thinked this is only for the news editors (and not even all of them have this emblem). Finally, we thought this is the ultimate emblem for the news junkies of GameSpot. Hopefully, after 2-3 years of reading news, I may get this emblem. :) Otherwise, I will still be proud with my thousands of tags. By the way, people suggested an emblem higher than Tagger King. That would be awesome! And, in my opinion, this emblem should have a minimum requirement of... 10,000 tags?!? :shock: Wow, that's a cool idea, this way almost all the things that could be tagged on GameSpot will have at least one tag applied.

And I also want a comeback of the Prolific Poster emblem. I'm sure there are lots of users that deserve it (including me :P). Well, we knew this emblem wasn't given out any more but after reading so many good messages whose authors would deserve such an emblem, I decided to suggest a comeback of this rare emblem. Consider it a real prize for the good posters. Anyway, I think it would be much more significant and emblematic than emblems like those 'Virtually There' emblems.

But I have some really great news. The reviewer emblems are coming up soon, in a brand new version. My guess is that the three emblems would be classified as 'Bronze', 'Silver' and 'Gold' and that these would be hand-picked. In fact, there are very slim chances that these emblems won't be hand-picked. I've read lots of posts presenting pessimistic visions with lots of spammers... Others believed they won't get one of those emblems with their reviews IF those emblems are really hand-picked. The truth is that we shouldn't be so pessimistic. After all, there are still few weeks, time in which we can all improve our reviewer skills. This way, Community Contributions will be a must-have for wanna-be excellent reviewers. :lol: Anyway, I think Draqq, DrFish62 and MrCHUP0N will be the first users to achieve the best reviewer emblem... Anyway, we will talk about it later. Until then, you could also view the thread from Community Contributions. :P

Man, I'm frustrated!

Since I registered, I met lots of nice people on GameSpot and I've read lots of interesting stories. However, not everybody is so nice. Even so, until recently, I wasn't really bothered. Of course, some n00bs aren't going to make me shout at them. And I do understand the situation some persons have, but I don't have either problems with any of the moderators or administrators. The problem is that are few users are trying to irritate so bad that it would be invisible flaming. No, I'm not talking about those posters on System Wars, although I must admit - I post there from time to time, not that I'm stupid or n00bish, but if your intelligence is intact, then you don't have to worry. However, I've finally met someone very empathetic. That person also happen to have a lot of friends on GS (don't refer to those guys who track everybody). I wished I could put him from the start on the ignore list, though I never had a PM from him. OK, at least he isn't extremly empathetic. However, *BLEEP* does that. Not that he is selfish, maybe he actually is, but rather very nostalgic. I mean he misses those old times when Gamespot wasn't flooded by so many n00bs. I think that's one of the most serious reasons to have such an idea. How can you possibly think you can withhold such an important feature from 90% of the users, users who either don't have a credit card (like me) or have other good reasons not to subscribe. If he stopped here, I was adding him anyway on my 'Enemies List', like aspro said. :lol: But... he didn't stopped and had a vision where instead of the level, is shown "Member since: blamonth, bladay, blayear". Thing that it would devastate me, because I happen to be recently registered. If everybody would view it, people would think I'm an extreme n00b, when in fact I'm not one of those spam posters. :cry: At all. That idea personally freaked me out and now I think if ever sends him a PM, I will slap him in the face. :x Not making any nominees, from very serious and obvious reasons. Anyway, I'm now going to imagine my enemy is in that pillow and I will fight the pillow until... 5 MINUTES.

Angry and bored,


Massive Shower

10 minutes ago, I felt happy. :) 5 minutes ago, I felt sad. :( Now I feel happy once again! :D On the boulevard, people are advertising a concert that will go on in Mamaia. You know, the resort affiliated to the city of Constantza. And I didn't understood what concert, but they sure said something about "explosive concert". Hmmmm, maybe it's not that Fatboy Slim concert. YES, YOU HEARD IT!!! Norman Cook is having a concert in our wonderful Mamaia. :) Now, I don't wanna mention the concerts of Shakira, 50 Cent, Depeche Mode in Romania. About The Herbaliser and DJ Vadim/One Self, I'll talk later, in a blog post full of details.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at my beautifully skinned iTunes. There's a Lemon Jelly tune going on. Watched few minutes ago the wonderful video of Funki Porcini's 'Ritmo di Jazz', and here's a screenshot of it, seen at MTV Dance...:

Like a nightmare

My dad taken a week-long vacation during which he stays home with us!! That means I don't have the same time for GameSpot and that he hijacks once again my computer... Kinda irritating when you think, but this pain won't last forever. Hopefully, it would be before level 15 ends. Hopefully.


I've won an award!!!

Some time ago, I've submitted my Collapse! review at Reviewer's Legion Monthly Word Review Spot. Oh well, this morning I was announced through PM because...

Congratulations, you've achieved the honorable mention for you outstanding review submission to the Monthly Word Review Spot #2!

Awesome, isn't it? :D Finally, an award won after long enduring pains of writing a good review. And be sure I won't stop in this point.


"Inertia creeps moving up slowly..."

OK. Yesterday I was rather busy, so I wasn't very active on GameSpot, although I was on-line, but the only things I did was to post comments in blogs, read topics and post some messages...

Yesterday I find out the location of our administration. You know, GameSpot Romania... And I do hope it will be better than other GameSpot worldwide divisions... The location is settled near "Ciresica" (a zone with supermarkets, grocery stores, etc. etc.), in a rather abandoned place, the north-east room of a building which also hosts a club and a pastry shop. The room where the hardware is placed isn't very big and neither confortable. It was until recently abandoned, like I said, many years ago, I've seen a couple of workers over there, but afterwards, the place was empty and the windows were partially covered by a brown layer with the old Coca-Cola stripes (before the "New Wave") on the sideways. I bet it was a really spooky place, especially during night. Anyway, I've talked with the web developer and it looks like the previous design of GameSpot will be used. I will have to discuss with the rest about the
Gamer Desk feature.

Few days ago, I finally ate a pizza. At Pizzico, a fast food from the neighbourhood, near my school. And the pizza was excellent. But next time I won't share it with my mum. Because I'm rather selfish. :P

I really would like if you guys would check out my latest review for Hardwood Backgammon. And, if it's good, you could always recommend it. :)

I'm now making a message board on Invisionfree and I'm very busy. Soon I'll be able to give you a link. Seeya later!


GameSpot Romania si Papura Voda

Ei bine, da, inca un blog post in dulcea limba materna. Ei bine, de aceasta data, trebuie sa va spun o stire de ultima ora! Dupa blog post-ul de ieri, un admin a venit din intamplare si a observat ca sunt destui romani utilizatori de GameSpot asa ca ne-a pus o pila la sefu' lu' CNET ca sa ne traga si noua o divizie numai si numai a noastra. Dupa ce m-am dat din pat, am aprins calculatorul si m-am trezit cu o stire foarte importanta pe BNET. Cititi:

In the past few weeks, CNET Networks Entertainment noticed a large number of Romanian-speaking users which determined us to make a division of GameSpot, dedicated to Romania. We were thinking already of a new GameSpot division, and as a consequence of our decision we made today, the new GameSpot page is already under construction. Meanwhile, we are picking our staff members, staff which will be working in a building from the Romanian city of Constantza, as our consultant suggested. The staff componence of GameSpot is already been discussed, but we know for sure that the chief editor will be the Romanian user known as Ponsardin, mr. Ionescu Florin, as we want him to contact us in order to establish a meeting.BNET

Hop si-asa. Pagina GameSpot Romania deja exista, dar veti fi totusi intampinati de o pagina 'Under Construction'. Totusi, trebuie sa recunoasteti ca grafica site-ului pare sa fi misto, poate ca e chiar GameSpot CRISTAL sau ceva de genul acesta, stiti voi, al doilea dupa GameSpot ICE. Dar sa trecem la un alt subiect de discutii...

... S-au deschis acum vreo doua luni de zile complexul Clady langa Brotacei. Din pacate, n-am nici o poza la dispozitie. Ei bine, curious nevoie mare, eu si cu mama ne-am dus sa vedem ce-i cu acest complex. N-am fost in magazinul alimentar Clady, dar am fost in restul complexului. Si am ramas perplex. La vremea aceea, era foarte cald. Dar si mai cald era in complex! Lucru care se poate explica numai prin lipsa aparatelor de aer conditionat. Oricum, era o caldura infernala. Ma rog, erau 2-3 clienti la fiecare magazin, ceea ce inseamna ca nu prea au succes (deh, Brotacei-ul e prea aproape). Cei mai multi clienti erau la magazinul cu imbracaminte si chestii de genul asta, dar ceea ce m-a frapat in arsita sahariana este CASETOFONUL la care rula MANELE. Da, ati auzit bine. Scarbit si molesit de caldura, am iesit afara sa ma racoresc. Nu mai aveam mult pana dadeam cu capul de peretele agentiei de ziare, cand sa vad noua revista OTV Express. Care este dedicata manelelor. Poster-ul cu blonda de la Exotic ar valora 'fara numar'. Ce sa mai zic de taloanele de la concursul lor seamana perfect cu niste screenshot-uri din primul Lula. Mama, ce mi-e rau.

Si se pare ca Guta e cinstit. Sau cel putin asa se vede din declaratia lui de avere.

Declaratia de avere part 1

Declaratia de avere part 2

Declaratia de avere part 3

Declaratia de avere part 4

Declaratia de avere part 5

Ce interese are regele manelelor?

Am lesinat de atata ras! :lol: Daca inca nu v-ati prins, trimiteti-mi un fax. Pardon, un PM. Si daca inca nu v-ati saturat de atata prostie a la Nicolae Guta, asta inseamna ca va puteti uita la imaginile care urmeaza!

:lol: :shock: :o Am orbit, dragii mei!!! Asta e, nu mai pot sa continui, am ramas shokat!!!