I'm gonna be buying a new TV relatively soon, mostly for gaming. My current TV is horrible for playing that latest games. Text is blurry, and hard to read, sometimes the picture is too dark for me to even see anything on the game at all (GTA4, specifically). It's a 36 inch standard definition TV, and I'm very unhappy with playing they newer games on it. Mostly recently, Street Fighter IV. I can't even see what other people's gamer tags are, I can't make out what they say. So, I'll be buying a new, HD TV, 1080p, and preferably about 32 inches because my current entertainment center the max width on the TV section is about 35 inches. And preferably no more than $1,000. But that's the absolute max. I mean, if I can get something bigger for less money, that's still a good quality TV. I can spend some extra cash on one of those entertainment stand type things. I just wanna be sure I get a good quality TV, that looks real nice while I'm playing video games. Especially with games like Mass Effect 2, and God of War 3 around the corner. 'cause as of right now, my gaming experience isn't too good.
Just got paid, and I want a good new shooter for my PC. I played the Left 4 Dead Demo and really dug it. I have Call of Duty 4 (on my ps3) and enjoyed the multiplayer a ton. I never even really played the single player. So I'm not quite sure what to go for.
SMG is clearly the winner. If you take nothing else into account, that game is just easier on the eyes than any other Wii game. the Conduit, as far as I've seen have some really bland environment textures, but character models and things liked that looked pretty good. Metriod was no slouch, though. And even Twilight Princess looks great still, even being a GC game.
I bought my Wii first, when it first came out day one, and was so stoked. I loved Zelda, loved Mario, Smash Brothers. But after all of Nintendo's big titles, I don't play it at all. Now, I own a ps3, xbox 360, wii, and an ownage gaming PC. Ultimately it's my PC that gets the most play time, but as far as consoles are concerned I play my 360 WAY more than any other. I own more 360 games, because there are more that appeal to me as a hardcore gamer. I don't wanna play some snowboarding, or skate boarding games. I don't wanna play Wii sports, or cooking momma. Zelda and Mario and all those "big hitters" are the Wii's only draw point for me. But the 360 has GTA, Mass Effect (which I can't seem to put down right now), Gears of War, Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls. We Just got Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty. I mean the amount of games that appeals to me just happen to be on the 360 and PC. I love the Wii, I really do. But I think it needs more hardcore games. I am interested in The Conduit, the rumored Kid Icarus, Zelda, Mario. And I'm dying to play Animal Crossing on the Wii. Nintendo really dropped the ball this year for hardcore gamers. But I'm definitely hopeful for next year. (My ps3 gets zero love after I beat MGS4, btw)
Air Wolf Cube.... the gif in your sig actually pissed me off. But yeah, the game is looking pretty good. Reminds me a little bit of Half-Life 2, I guess. And yeah, the environment looks really undone compared to the character models.
^ Ya know, I thought about that too. Wii Music was announced a long time ago, either at the same time, or directly after the Wii's announcement. But, I don't really see that as a MAJOR title. It'll definitely be gears towards a casual audience, and not so much to the hardcore. They would probably use it as an initial, first example of the possibilities that come along with the MotionPlus peripheral, then later go on to announce and hardcore titles that supports it. Although I'm hoping for a Zelda more than anything, honestly with Nintendo's reputation, it could be anything. I just see Zelda as the most logical title to support something like this, because MotionPlus could really improve what's most important to the Wii at it's core. Which is the motion controls.
It's a peripheral that plugs into your WiiMote (like the nunchuck does) and gives the WiiMote enhanced motion sensing. So with that, the Wii now has the capability to use 1:1 motion sensing, which means now it will register every little movement the wiimote makes, regardless of whether the sensor is pointing at the screen or not.
Mario Sluggers?? Ohh, what a let down that would be. haha. I'm sitting here, thinking we'll see a new Zelda (my favorite games of all time. And that's saying something let me tell ya) And I get Mario Baseball? Man, I'd be kinda crushed.
I'd like for there to be something like the gameboy player for the Wii. I'm not much for playing games on the handheld itself, but I enjoy them a whole lot more if I can put 'em up on my TV. Like the new Final Fantasy 4. I don't wanna play that on a tiny screen. But the whole touch screen thing could be weird. unless you used the DS itself as a controller.
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