"the U.S. group the Patriots, formerly the world group called the Philosophers"
Actually the Philosophers were taken down when Ocelot lured the man carrying half of the legacy out into the open by threatening a nuclear strike on his base. Ocelot killed him, and took that half of the Legacy, while "the man with the same code name as Null" acquired the other half through political means. Without the Legacy, the Philosophers were finished, and Ocelot and this Mystery Man formed The Patriots. Ocelot said "it's all part of our plan to make the world SHE envisioned a reality". This is in reference to Ocelot's mother The Boss, who was considered a Patriot because she gave her child and her life to her mission. So no, the Philosophers have nothing to do with the Patriots.
Second, because Big Boss was considered the perfect soldier for overcoming all of The Boss' Sons, and the perfect leader for not only carrying the trust of the soldiers over Gene who used mind control and crap to control them, Big Boss was actually a Patriot himself, recruited by Ocelot. Outer Heaven, a world for those who knew battle as the only way to live, formed by Big Boss was meant as The Patriots' means of controlling battles, economies, and conflicts around the world, just as Gene had stated Army's Heaven's purpose was going to be before he was killed by Big Boss.
With that second point, I believe Big Boss never rebelled against the Patriots in the first place, rather his actions and death were the same kind of "defection" the original Boss performed, meant to teach Solid Snake the same strength and values as Naked Snake learned in Snake Eater. Big Boss was old, and he needed a succesor, but based on his experiences with Gene, he probably believed that Solidus, the perfect clone would not be the best succesor, that's why he tested Snake.
Finally, while everyone comes to the conclusion that the Patriots are evil, I think MGS2's ending kind of proved the point that the world needs/needed them for a time. I think Liquid Ocelot's upcoming battle is what changes that. See, with Ocelot being a member of The Patriots for all these years things have worked out and they have managed to control the world well, but now that Liquid has Ocelot's appearance and voice, he presumably has the power to do whatever he wants in the organization, and is using New Outer Heaven to twist the world in his favor...which is why Snake is asked to get rid of him.
I think the analogy is that while the US has in some ways recently been a positive thing for the world, recently with power changing hands, new aggression has made the world less safe...possibly the analogy Kojima is getting at, because in past games Kojima has been a little more pro-Patriot.
Just my thoughts though...
I wasn't saying that the Philisophers just changed their name, I was only saying the Patriots are playing the same sort of role the Philosophers once played. But you seem to have some more info on that gap between the two stories since I never played Portable Ops since I don't have a psp, I think those are good thoughts you have. If you have more to add I'd definitely enjoy hearing them. I might have to play portable ops now, lol but I just hate not having actual video cutscenes.
Anyway, thats really new to me that the Outer Heaven was part of the patriots plan, so thats probably the case once again this time. It did seem obvious however that the super soldiers know at some point they are part of the Patriots. The philisophy of the patriots being good or evil will be interesting, and I have a feeling it will be left open to the player to decide once again. My view is that they are more bad than good, so I hope we can confront them this time.
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