PrimordialMeme's forum posts
He was in an MSNBC documentary called 'To Hell and Back' you may have seen it a few years ago. This is an indepth interview and retelling of his story. Click on full episode to stream it for free. Its a little under an hour. I think you'll find it as fascinating as I have.
I know exactly what you're talking about with the wonderment felt the first time you played Mario 64. That game was quite an experience. I think its partly that it was such a huge leap from 2D to 3D mario. Videogames like this are sort of like heroin, you're always chasing that dragon. Trying to relive that first high you got.
Now that im in my 20's Im finding myself enjoying fewer and fewer games. Not for a lack of trying though. While i don't expect to relive the same magical moments of videogame wonderment I felt in the past, I have played many many many great games since mario 64. For some reason though, it feels like the industry has hit a wall in terms of creativity. Its not simply that Im "getting too old" its that the industry needs to innovate. In the last year its gotten really bad. Im sick of all these sequal 1.5 update games they churn out every year or two. Its getting on my nerves, and frankly depressing to me.Â
Shooters are not ruining the industry. Plus that could be said about any genre though. Look at the pumping out of racing games. We get a Need for Speed, Midnight Club every single year as 20 other racers.What about all the RPGS that come out that do very little to "innovate"
Shooters are no different than any other genre.
Well you're right, its not only shooters. Its also racing games and "RPGs" that are ruining the industry. At least sports titles have an excuse for being roster updates. But I cannot support the level of awfulness that is considered an industry right now. I hope it fails. I hope it improves after failing.
The point here is that games are becoming cliche and corporate instead of interesting and diverse. It will only be when hardcore gamers stop supporting the nonsense that we get change. You have to show your opinion with your wallet. Unfortunately it seems that too many new gamers are being brought in under this mediocrity and the industry is growing to fat on its own failures. This same thing happened in the early 80's with the arcade industry. It will happen with the console developers as well if they fail to innovate. Games are getting tired.
This is a lament upon the evolution of the games industry, which is becoming a self parody of awfulness.
One, creativity is anemic. I feel like its going downhill in terms of creativity, simply because of money. It is too easy to make a no brainer FPS today. Shooters are the epitome of laziness and greed in the industry.
Two, where is the risk taking? It's so rare! Even a game like Mirror's edge is considered a risk because it doesn't include out and out shooting enemies. Instead the scheme is running and jumping whilst escaping. The problem is that EA makes it a half assed game, on what was a beauty of a concept. Mirrors Edge has no variety and incredibly environmental repetitious. Its essentially a FPS without the shooter part. Its all guns guns guns today. Its just laziness.
Three, no more **** shooters! Yes, Im saying this because shooters are ruining videogames. Its becoming beyond cliche, its becoming the death of a once great industry. Dime a dozen shooters are not what is going to make gaming better. Time to innovate.Â
Ok, here is the page Im using to attempt this stuff.
I created and saved the program exactly as instructed. When I get to the command prompt I enter incommand for the mywork directory as described. But then i get an error saying its not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
What am I missing?
I've already seen a streaming copy of the DVD screener.
Still, I'll be renting the blu ray, probably.
How do i dive quickly? You can see this guy do it in the this video at 0:18 and 0:23 seconds.
edit: ahh i found out i have to shake the sixaxis, but how was I to know? I don't remember that being taught in the demo!
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