So we were learning today in Science about Evolution and that, cells etc etc..
My honest about all that is just BULL (not saying the rest of the word) I mean like seriously, how the heck could we or the first humans be Gorrilas, Alligators or somewhat animals in the past before turning into an ape, cave man or what ever. I don't see anything like that happening at all..who does?
I'll explain it better details if I can..First she showed us a video but Fat Boy Slim to show us like the enviroments of where it's taken etc. Then she showed us another video about a scientist who went down to Africa, which apparently, it was first taken place at. She explained to us about how the animal is taken after the adaptions and that, and so did the video, the video showed Gorilas turning into Apes, walking on two feet and how later they learn how to eat other stuff, carve stuff and more. And I DID pay attention in my Science cl@ss!
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