keep it on the ground but hire a decent writer !!! The story of CoD4 was okay, MW2 had some cool twists and epic setfights and Black Ops 1-2 had a very weird story that tried too hard to be psychological and ended up being weird, MW3 had a forgettable story and a letdown finale and twists. Halo 1, FarCry 3, FEAR1, Metro 2033 and Last Light and BioShock Infinite all have a solid story, so its definitely doable even for first person shooters !
the iphone sucks guys ! Its very overpriced in my honest opinion, for that money you could get such a nice laptop or graphics card and could still use an awesome Samsung Galaxy smartphone !
@kgallis21 @Printul_Noptii yeah I know :/ I also considered buying Red Dead Redemption as its really an awesome game but I am so glad I skipped on Metal Gear Revengeance because that one will get a PC release this year and runs at 60 FPS instead of 30.
lol as long as this doesnt get a PC release its dead for me ! And I am no PC elitist scumbag, I even have the Xbox 360 and all the Halo games on it (the reason I got on one in the first place) but this game screams for a PC version and wow I hate the stupid Live subscription :/
@Morphine_OD @Scorpion1813 Twin Snakes sucks ! It lacks the emotions of the original and I know the original hasnt aged well with the low poly character models and no face animations but twin snakes just looks off I don't know why :/
@A_Rabid_Dog @jubdeidamasta well I would think he is one of the very few game designer and producers out there that never really missed the mark, kinda like the Stanley Kubrik among videogames and that one was a genius director.
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