@strothers101 @Printul_Noptii I am a Halo fanboy ! and I even defended Halo 4 :/ but damn no way in hell I will get this or a Xbox One in the near future ! I dont care what people say but for me personally I would be pretty upset buying this for the MP alone and finding out its not working, I mean as awesome as all campaigns are lets face it Halo is popular for its awesome MP on the consoles and I imagine a lot of people will get pissed when they cant play it.
people need to stop accepting crappy MP and P2P !!! Stop it already !! This is the year 2014 every company out there that makes FPS games should come up with dedicated servers or GTFO ! I am not an elitist or evil or something but Halo comes a very long way now and treating the community with an inferior product that doesnt even let you play online is kinda insulting ! I mean if it were a new IP and all I would forgive them but they kinda jerk you all over and you accept it ! Similar happened to CoD AW where there are still no dedis available and the god damn Defender map lags on the PC :( shame on publishers like EA and Activision who force timelines and numbers on devs. Remember last years fiasco with BF4 and Ghosts ?
@strothers101 the metacritic guys just rate this on the SP and on fanboyism alone but they overlook that MS forced this game out of the gates without a proper MP testing similar to what EA did with BF4 last year and its unacceptable and disgusting.
man this review sound like the reviewer easily would give it a 8/10 but he is constantly complaining about the lack of MP which is very understandable but still, I believe they just rushed this game out of the gates before christmas to compete with CoD AW and they didnt put much testing into the MP at all. Is it a bad game hell nooooo its Halo 1-4 in all its awesomeness minus the MP, for the moment.... I would say wait till next year and dont bother unleast you never played this awesome games on the 360 or like me on the PC before. Personally I would say this whole collectio is easily in the 8-8/10 range but since I hate gamepads and the Xbox One I would never get it personally xD
its official guys ! There is absolutely no reason to even get an Xbox One anymore ! We all know that MS will drive Halo into the ground sooner or later and transforming it into a space CoD. Remember when Halo was supposed to be epic and mystic and had a good and healthy community, everything went the drain. MS should release the MC collection on the PC and allow dedicated servers and mod support same should do Activision with CoD but no way it will ever happen.
Halo 2 has the best multiplayer ! That was the first and sadly the last solid multiplayer where they balanced the weapons to perfection and delivered some of the best Halo maps ever. Still play Halo 2 on the PC from time to time, I really hope they will migrate it to steam once GFWL bites the dust.
this game looks so beautiful @ 60 FPS :X my heart amost bleeds that its not getting a PC release since I love Halo 1-2 on the PC :( such a shame :( I even think MS would cash in a lot by releasing it to steam but I guess in the end they need a franchise to force Xbones on people XD
mhm they changed the dialogue of sarge :/ I can clearly remember in the original he said "Usually the good Lord works in mysterious ways but not today, this here is 66 tons of divine intervention."
Printul_Noptii's comments