maybe I am more desensitized but this game is rather gory not really scary, Alien Isolation is freaking scary especially once you reach the medical labs.... :|
woah :O I can't believe my eyes O_O last time I saw a perfect score on GS it was for MGS4 and GTA4 I believe but this was completely unexpected :S but I am glad this game is that epic, maybe we will see it on other consoles as well who knows.
lol also I noticed now :D how could Chris trip and fall to the ground :O he is special forces and he punches boulders for breakfast how can he behave so clumsy in this is :/ maybe just the first day on the job like Leon XD
I dont want to be rude or something but it seems like a noob is playing this and he/she cant get along with the controls making Chris behave all twitchy and breaking the immersion xD The game looks all great and stuff but damn that gameplay XDDDD
@gamingnerd121 I know :( I had so many issues with Rage on the PC, that game also runs on the ID tech 5 and for the life of me I could never fix the V-Sync and screen tearing problems in that game, also texture pop ins and other stuff, I mean the source engine blows it out of the water, the Unreal engine is similar bad, I played for example Gears of War 3 on the Xbox 360 and it had constant texture pop-ins and I asked my friend he said thats normal for Gears 3 xDD damn.... no its not !
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