@ryogapower @firedrakes George Romero was initially asked to do a Resident Evil zombie horror movie, you can read his script online but some weird reason the studio wasnt happy with him and they gave the project to Paul W Anderson which introduced Alice, urgh.....
@plasticreality Kurt Russel would be a great Isaac Clarke but I am afraid he is a little bit too old now, but Kurt Russel in a MGS movie playing big boss that would be like a dream come true :D
@solarrainuk @Deadly_Nemesis the Thing is so popular nowadays because of its realistic and awesome looking practical effects as well as the top notch atmosphere and paranoia horror, believe it or not it tanked on the box offices at its released time because people were used to ET the friendly alien and gained popular status only over its years :D
@Avaron yeah ghosts of mars was okay but not memorable, hell did you know Jason Statham and Ice Cube were in that one ? lol Anyway JC will be best remembered for his 80ties clasics like They Live, Halloween, The Thing, The Fog and I even liked Vampires but after that he kinda lost focus I dunno why, also another great 80ties horror director Wes Craven went the same route.
John Carpenter needs a good new horror movie that puts him back into the scene since he is the master behind Halloween, the thing and other good stuff, hell his last good horror movie I remember was Vampires and even that movie didnt go well with the audiences even thou I love it but that aside Dead Space already borrows a lot from The Thing and even from Event Horizon and Aliens so its doable but it needs a good direction and good writing otherwise it will end up poorly, also a very good space horror I recommend is Pandorum.
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