@varmintx @AsianSalvation unfortunately nope, the big problem being here MGS4 of course, you cant just pack that blu ray beast into enough dual layer DVDs or you could but it would take a hell of a lot of dual layer DVDs and some serious recoding for the 360
@varmintx @Printul_Noptii yup I am fully aware but why just not port over twin snakes It cant be that much of a big deal for them I mean come on wasnt twin snakes made by silicon knights the ones who did the VR missions for MGS ? If capcom can break an exclusive like RE4 why not Konami or better yet Kojima the mastermind behind MGS.
@Shin_Gallon me too, as much as I love the original MGS I just wish they would remake it in a HD MGS2-3 fashion or even port the twin snakes version. MGS is a truly magnificent game but its graphics show some serious age already and it didnt age too well.
@Sefrix yeah the problem is by this point everyone already played the MGS games and the ones that didnt or missed out on MGS4 because they didnt buy a PS3 will be left in the rain once again. I just wish this would come to the PC as well this would make me a happy man :D
@varmintx @Printul_Noptii oh right I forgot :( but it did look awesome it was like the MGS2 version of MGS if it does make any sense lol nah I mean it had the MGS2 graphics almost. Another thing what was bugging me with the gamecube was that RE4 was originally planned as a Gamecube exclusive and later went to the PS2 maybe they do the same with twin snakes but I hardly doubt it :(
some of the games THQ published were indeed pretty awesome like Metro 2033 and Darksiders, too bad they are out of businees whereas companies like EA still force DLC and bollocks on people :[
relax people its shinji mikami that dude knows what he is doing, hell he is the mastermind behind almost all of capcoms awesome franchises including Resident Evil and Devil May Cry so unless his lost all of his creativity which I doubt this game will be awesome.
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