@erMonezza @Printul_Noptii yeah man and for everyone even for the next gen console guys, they have absolutely no excuse this time around because the next gen consoles will have better and faster hardware which can support up to 36 players and even more and I hope they will make a decent PC version like Dice did with BF3 now that one delivered for the PC. If they manage to improve CoD with bigger maps and awesome graphics and keep the addictive gameplay then they will win my trust back but if they do a copy paste job again I will move to BF4 because that one actually is awesome
if it has updated graphics (hopefully yes because it will run on a new engine this time around comapred to the modified quake 3 arena one), larger maps and 36+ player dedicated servers on the PC I will go for it, otherwise I will definitely skip this one.
Am I the only one who is highly anticipating this game ? :D This time around they promised they will deliver an epic SP campaign which focuses on one character and the MP is just the bonus so its fine with me. What bugs me a lil thou is that the developer Spark has a track record of bad games like Fall of man and Legendary, I hope they wont mess this one up :/
well I would say greedy publishers are the worst thing of the gaming industrie not quite DRM some DRM are just downright annoying and nonsensical but its the greedy corporations like EA or Activision which haste up projects and churn out DLC after DLC to cash in and so killing creativity. DRM was never a real problem as games are cracked on the fly anyway in our days, and people will pirate any way they can.
lol is this some kind of troll rerview ? This game is seriously bad and why would you play a bad game :/ give it the 4/10 it deserves really. If I would shit a turd out of pure gold, sure it would be golden but the fact that its still a turd can't be dismissed so is this game compared to "inovation"
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