You linked to a topic on another forum to prove this, when that thread in that forum has no proof. The link provided there leads to a short ass article about the PS3 price cuts.... I don't usually say this but... EPIC FAIL!
I play it and I'm amazed at how stupid people on the other team think I am. If I see a ally running back into my base and not carrying the intel I'm going to make the assumption "Hey look, an enemy spy." andthen proceedwith plan "burn them to death".
Entirly possible, but I don't think it will. Halo fans(myself included)were insanely devoted to getting Halo 3 as soon as possible. I don't think as many of the Wii owners havethe samegumption to obtain SMG instantly. SMG will probably outsell Halo 3, but I don't think it will beat the first day sales.
Those four legged one that mutate into turrets are a pain in the ass. Shooting em doesn't do jack, and they mount up on the ceiling so you can't bash them. If you don't have any stickies you are s*** outta luck.
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