Private_Vegas' forum posts
I still don't know what creed means. DA_B0MB
A Creed is basically a system of beliefs. Creed is usually used in matters pertaining to religious beliefs specifically.
But yeah.... I preordered this game a couple of days ago. I can't remember where or when I first saw a trailer for this game, but I've been anxiously awaiting it ever since. (A little over a year I think)
I almost wish PC gaming was dying, so that Gabe "One Trick Pony" Newell would go broke and starve to death. I hate that guy.
anyways, back to The Orange Box.
[QUOTE="Number_1_Gamer"]Wii're getting 86 games in Q4 alone. The "competition" is getting 85 games combined. No matter what types of gamesyou are into, you're bound to find something to appeal to you amongst 86 games. haris12121212I wouldn't count the quantity of games the wii gets as a good argument. there is a 9 out of 10 chance that a wii game not made by nintendo scores A or less. :P I seriously pissed brawl was delayed. But there is still Mario Galaxy. with that title alone, Wii is great for the end of the year.
I agree. As far as the Wii is concernedI have been seeing a fast, steadystream of mostly crap. 86 games in the run of 3 months doen't really excite me. I'm sure there will be a couple of gems in there somewhere, but I'm predicting the majority will be half assed.
Sidenote: SSB:B Delayed till 08!? Since when!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Yeah, I hate people cause of stuff they do and say too. However this is system wars, where we discuss systems and games. and in no way are PC gamers games so I will not discuss them here.
I do disagree with the PC> Everything belief. While am I enjoying my new laptop and new PC games to an extrordinary degree I do think that there are things that consoles do better. Like Action/Adventure games and the like. Splinter Cell, Dead Rising, GTA, Armored Core are examples of games/types of gamethat I stongly prefer the the console and controller for. (And yes I am aware that one or more of the examples listed arn't even on PC)
[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"]The PSP version hurt my soul. The controls for the Monster Hunters games are very consistent though. CONSISTENTLY BAD! *Ba dun dun ksh* (The onomatopoeia for cymbals is hard....)
But seriously, Monster Hunter is pretty bad, I agree
"Bah-dum Ksh" That better?
Ksh sounds right, let's go with that.
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