You show me the figures indicating this "big percentage" of Red Ringed 360 owners who switched to PS3 and you'll have something. And in addition show me the number of PS3 owners migrating to 360. If the latter is lower then the former I'll admit you havea point. But until some bored souls compiles the statistics all you have to go on is what you think will happen.
As for the second part of your post about LIVE subscriber numbers. I couldn't understand what you were saying.
Doesn't matter. I don't decide what games I play based on the the GS staff thinks of them. In the end no ones opinion on a games quality outweighs your own. Do yourselves a favor and ignore this AAA, AA, flop bull**** and think for yourselves.
It's good for people getting thier first 360, cause they can pick what package they want depending on their comitment to gaming. But to the guy who got his console at launch (a.k.a Me) it's a frigging piss off.
I love AgentA-Mi6's posts. I've never seen anyone so skilled at baseless accusations, massive lies, and over glorification.
"XBL is in grave danger is not already dead."Approximately 6 million users. I know man! They are on the brink!
"Virtual home is probably the most innovative idea in the history of gaming"In the entire history... that simply not true. It's a good idea, but not 100 original and innovative. It's been done dude.
"Its obvious that millions of gamers all over the globe will be attracted by this feature and worse yet (for Ms) many users of their paid online service will probably consider switching sides if not immediately do so without hesitation"It's been my experience on LIVE that people with a 360/live and no PS3, don't give a **** about Home or PSN. Thats why they have 360/LIVE and no PS3. Makes sense doesn't it?
I mostly buy games for the single player aspect and a good Multiplayer mode is just gravy. If the MP is really good I tend to play it a lot once I finish the SP story. (Like I did with R6: Vegas) I do buy games purely for MP too osmetimes. Like Shadowrun, Battlefild 2, and Chromehounds and a good SP (if any) is just gravy.
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