2. Will it actually be Ninja Gaiden 2, or Ninja Gaiden Black Sigma Delta Squadron Omega, which will just be Ninja Gaiden over again with a new hat for Ryu?
I don't keep track of the demographical numbers for TV wrestling, but the fact is that even if the Bioshock adsare only run during the late night porno flicks, kids under 18 will still see them. The trick is for retailers to adhere to their policy of not selling mature games to under-aged kids. That's what you gotta enforce.
I'm a bit miffed that there isa decade gap between SC and SC2. And the lack of a Diablo 3 yet. And thats the price you pay for quality.But I still play and enjoy SC and Diablo 2 very much.Blizzard games have lasting power and that's part of what makes them great. Plus they do a great job of maintaining Bnet and WoW servers.
A few companies, who will remain unnamed, have ruined certian games online play for me with their junk servers and buggy matchmaking. None of the with Blizzard.
GT 5 screens looks like total crap compare to this, not suprisinly cause Poliphony Digital do absolutely nothing to improve GT 4 graphics, just changed resolution
You were laying it on a little thick there. I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic, or just a super fanboy on a spiel.
Is it just me, or do those screenshots look really really good? And am I crazy or are there no GT screens to compare? And has the whole world decended into insanity, or are screenshot comparisons lame and an innacurate way to compare graphics?
My decision to go Wii60 isn't paying of yet. So far the Wii has been a crushing dissapointment. Hopefully my luck will change and Ninty and the developerswill gettheir acts together.
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