There are plenty of 360 fanboys besmirching the names of Sony and Nintendo. Are those rose colored glasses your wearing prescription, or can I get them over the counter?
I like Halo, but the idea of games like UT being pushed back to avoid competition is incredibly stupid. And I figure that the 360 verson of Haze will be delayed because Free Radical loves the PS3, so they probably made the PS3 development of the game a priority over the 360 version. I don't think Developers/Publishers are afriad of Halo 3
The top two screens both look pretty blah. Especially the Killzone 2one. Super low res.
Out of the two bottom screens I think the Halo 3 one looks better. In any case,I'm not gonna predict the entire graphical aspects oftwo games based off of a comparison between two screens. I vote neither looks better.
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