I thought the rumor was that either a Diablo MMO, or Starcraft 2 (RTS) were in the works and would be announced at the WWI in Seoul. "World of Starcraft" was a GS april fools joke. One which I lawled at for quite some time......
You know..... I really don't remember every single person who owns a Wii hyping Spiderman 3's graphics. I think I would have, as it would have been hard to miss all those threads.... you know... the threads that didn't exist.
And here I thought Sony was a company..... anyways.
I'm a believe in quality over quantity. Since many of these games are of unknown quality or "QualityX" I find it hard to agree or disagree with you.
Note: (QualityX is a term created and copyrighted by Private_Vegas. Private use of this term for profit or to make fun of it's stupidity is strictly prohibited. Such use will result in a $20,000 fine and sentence of up to 5 years in a federal penitentary.)
seriously, who gives a damn about Splinter Cell, the series needs to go on a break, every year a new sequel, the series is just like madden now. and also, Splinter Cell has always been crap. if there is a 360 port of this game on PS3, it will suck, Ubisoft a.k.a Nubisoft, Ubiflop, Ubiport, Ubifault and Ubicrap are crap developers.
*Raises hand* Now onto important matters.......
The comments by the developer seem to indicate a great deal of work in making the game multiplatform, but not any real difficulty. To recode would be time consuming, but it wasn't suggested that it would be more or less difficult than the 360 coding.
You're a brave fella to make a wager like that....or stupid. I would bet my life of gaming on the sun rising then next day, let alone something like that. But it doesn't matter, if you lose the bet.... you'll waffle.
I think God of War. From what I've seen on this site it has a large fanbase, and minimal critics. Gears has a large (But slightly smaller than GoW) Fanbase, and a bunch of haters.
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