Private_Vegas' forum posts
I havn't played any Resident Evil pre Code Veronica.
I think Master Chief could kick the piss outta Gordon Freeman.
I've Never played a Rachet and Clank game.
I hate pretty much all fighting games.
I'm playing it through with a multitude of skulls on to get the metagame achivements. Its just as fun as it was first time through.
The meta games are fun to play, especially if you are competeing agains 3 other people for score.
P.S: The grunt birthday party skull is one of my favourite things ever.
P.P.S: I just want to say that I approve of your sig. Imperial Guard rules!
Wow that line up looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad the PS3 line up looks like crapBig_Gamer_Al
Knewit wouldn't be long before someone had to come and shag it all up.
I'm really looknng forward to all the great titles coming out for my 360 in 08, and if the PS3's 08 forecast stays this sunny I think I may purchase one come the glorious year of our Lord, 2008.
P.S: Add Dark Void to the list. A greatCapcom Multiplat expected to hit in late 08.
Don't listen to this poster...he never approaches anything with even a shred of objectivity.clone01
Followed immediately by:
Who cares if wii is "kicking the crap out of them" thats like saying DVD sales for Barney and friends is beating sales of Die hard.
Almost as if the TC was waiting for the que.
Also, what country do you come from that the governemnt owns it's own mules?
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