Private_Vegas' forum posts
Halo 3 boasts a larger variety of gametypes and levels. Also the fun factor in play Halo 3 with my friends dwarfs (......dwarves?) that of TF2.
TF2 is great though. I love it. And it excels at a lot of things, but generally.... I wouldn't say it's better than Halo 3 MP.
I'm pissed. I havn't been rented any games since I moved into my new place. And there have been a few games that have come out since then thatI really want to try. I'm taking a journ up to Blockbuster on friday and renting like...... 7 games. (Naruto will be one of them)
If this thread is still kicking around then I'll report back with my findings. Cause I know you're all just dying to hear my opinion.... :roll:
[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"]People have been posting PS3 screens in the past few day that look infinitly better than these. The stark contrast is amazing. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Screenshots are not indicative of the final product.
Yeah, Lair for instance. Still frames looked great. In motion, OMFG THIS IS HORRIBLE.
This is true yes, but I was refering more to how you'll see some screen that look completely abismal, and then other that are mind blowing. And usually the game doesn't really look like either. It's more in the middle ground.
You still make a great point though. A still screen is one thing, but what happens when all that good looking stuff has to actually move?
People have been posting PS3 screens in the past few day that look infinitly better than these. The stark contrast is amazing. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Screenshots are not indicative of the final product.
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