Private_Vegas' forum posts
I love that retort. "Play more sports games" cracks me up every time.
But as amusing as that is, they need to move on. So you got a bum review..... that tends to happen. Big deal. Grow up.
Ahh. Its old. So, lets all think we're smart by pointing that out, instead of addressing what he says. It should get an award for the most overated piece of Star Trek: The Next Generation-nerdiness ever. Bright blue soldiers firing pink rays at silly monsters.
ANYONE over 13 or who isn't a virgin find that appealing?
I can see how age factors in. Mental maturity and all that. But what does the query about peoples virginity have to do with anything? Do you have access to data from some sort of psychological study I havn't heard about, or are you just being an a**hole who likes to come down on people?
I read the thread title and knew exactly what the link was going to be...sighMedjai
Same here. Knew it was going to be Zero Punctuation.
And while Yahtzee makes sever good points about the game he did completely and willingly neglected the two things about Halo (The series in general) and Halo 3 that I enjoy the most. The story, and the multiplayer. I was lined up at 12:01 am Sept 25th outside EB games because I didn't want to wait one second longer than I had to to see how the story ended.
And there are few things that i enjoy more than going on X-Box live with my friends from home and playing through the Campaign on legendary, or screwing around in forge, or playing matchmaking/custom games. Just screwing around, having a good (often great) laugh at the WTF moments you often encounter while playing Halo.
I wouldn't say this review is wrong. far from it. Like I said, Yahtzee makes many sound points about the game. However I wouldn't say it is exactly right either, as the area where I feel that Halo is an absolute triumph are, again, neglected.
But to each his won and all that respect for others opinion crap.
They should've sent him a review guide. BlueBarad
Hehehe.... classic.
ButI have to agree with the Dev teams "Play more sports games" comment about a certianreviewers take on variety. Worst complaint ever.
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