@Lord_Sesshy: Weeks? I believe you mean a week. You basically do your milestones on Tuesday and then stop playing till next next Tuesday. And each campaign is only a handful of missions. Poorly written missions.
@RaveNRolla: It's beloved in the same way Starship Troopers is beloved. Like Starship Troopers I would never claim it has great acting or story, but there's an aesthetic and feeling to the delivery I really like.
@siarhei: Right? Every time their games start with that phrase I roll my eyes. The stories they tell are mostly good, but they are so bad at pulling off the illusion of choice.
@ranzikiel: Good for you, but I couldn't play for more than 10-15 minutes without the game crashing to desktop, so I never finished. That game and Windows Vista did not go well for me. Tried replaying the game years later shortly before Infinite hoping it had been patched (or at least that my new PC could power through the issues), but still hard crashes and even the well-known sound bug was still there.
@Mogan: The released numbers don't tell though if the higher K/D is because of OP build or because more people simply enjoy playing Hunter. The other classes like Sunbreaker or Sunsinger have all had OP builds with the community asking for nerfs, but that hasn't been the case with Hunters in forever. Except for some glitches, nobody has been asking for nerfs to Hunters.
@Richardthe3rd: Them skipping the first couple of books would suck, since those were the better ones. The moment he wrote himself into the books made me go "Oh no". IMO, the later books and ending where the worst.
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