@TomMcShea You have to agree though that it's weird to protect organics by performing the exact same act they're trying to prevent. There's a big difference between extinction and thinning. Besides if they have all this power why not just destroy the synthetics whenever they become a threat. What's curious is the explanation for the Reaper's goes against everything I experienced in the game. You have Legion in ME2. The Geth being peaceful and wanting peace (exciling the Quarians instead of killing them), even though Quarians started the war.Even going so far as helping the Quarians establish colonies on their homeworld.EDI and Joker romance. If anything the Reapers are the only synthetics that form a threat in the ME universe.
I don't get the outrage from the gaming press. It's not like narrative revisions is a foreign concept. When in actuality it's very common in other forms of art. Did Stephen King not make changes to the Dark Tower in order to make the main character more likable to the readers? It's the nature of a company whose goal is the make money, to keep it's customers happy.
Although I was really disappointing by ME3, I don't really care for a new ending. Simply because I can't unsee the current endings. No matter what they do I won't be able the shake the feeling that the current endings are cannon, while the new one a fanfic. People seem to forget that this is a business and such should be open to compromises in order to keep your customers. These big budget games are being made to make profit, it's not some project a dev is making in his garage without make any compromises to his vision. Artistic integrity is a nice goal to strive for, but you would have to be very naive if you think you can do that in a big expensive project. Especially a franchise like ME.
@HGAT: Are you for real?. I myself am in the last weeks of my internship as an IT advisor. Even though the general strucuture tends look the the same within different companies, it's the specifics that play a big role. Just making an analysis of the current situation can cost me weeks depending on the complexity of the system. If the "real world" was how you described it, than my intership would have been alot easier. No expert can give jou an informed advice without first performing an analysis of the situation.
@texasgoldrush: His goal was to gain status to protect his family, which he does by the end of Act 1. Halfway through Act 2 he won't have anyone to protect, you're just living alone in a mansion. And main quests like the Wayward Son and several other are nice 'slice of life' quests that in some cases give you access to secondary quest in the following act. They are enjoyable but don't really make you wanna see what comes next. I understand what they wanted to do, but IMHO the lack of an overarching plot-line really made it hard for me to keep playing.
@texasgoldrush: How is the story better? Hawke has no purpose or goal after you finish Act 1. There are barely any connections between the "main plot" missions, which isn't surprising given the lack of a main plot. The game has no main antagonist until the last act when you're suddenly expected to choose sides with people you've just met. There is seriously so many flaws with the structure of this story that it’s not even funny. I will concede that Origins had a generic story, but at least it was told in way to drive the player forward.
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