@Deinbeck The thing with Obsidian is that they always show great promise. Alpha Protocol managed decision making far better than any Bioware game at the time, but suffered sadly from bad animation, budget and bugs.KoTOR 2 was an improvement in almost every way, but again they suffered from bugs and LucasArts.
So yeah I'll keep picking up their games till the day their programming staff and QA can rise to the same level as their great writers.
@Tzardok Even when using alternating teams, you still need to franchise fatigue into consideration. Look for example at the Guitar Hero games, Activision used the CoD formula and ended up running a whole genre into the ground.
Personally I'm kinda tired of AC and nowhere as excited for AC3 as I should be. I loved AC2, didn't really feel there was a need for brotherhood to exist (still enjoyed it though). And I couldn't finish Revelations. I'm hoping I'll get more pumped as we get closer to the release date.
@damodar_thade To be fair this game was very stable. Especially when compared to other mmo's. For example WoW was mess in the beginning, that said bugs during the first days of an mmo is expected by anyone with some experience with this genre.
I won't be leaving anytime soon, since there's still no other mmo that does story like SWtOR. Grind alone won't keep my interest for a long period of time, which is why I couldn't stick with WoW for more than 6 months.
My only wish was for them to merge some servers to increase pop. But I guess free character transfers is also a possible solution. I'm curious as to how they will story-wise explain everyone getting the exact same droid companion though.
@JDFS Lol, realism in a sci-fi game? Although rooted in history has made enough changes to it, that would make the real Templar's roll in their graves if they ever saw this??
@slipknotmaggot1 I'm sure you're since AC3 is supposed to be the end of the Desmond story-line. After-all AC was originally a trilogy with the last game taking place this year to coincide with the whole 2012 end of the world prophecy.
@Animatronic64 Yeah, I have to agree I didn't even finish revelations. I'm starting to feel major fatigue. I probably will start skipping the spin-offs and only focus on the direct sequels. I hope they make combat a bit harder, each sequel has only kept adding mechanics that make combat easier.
First off all artistic integrity in a big budget game is just a pipe-dream. It's nice to strive for it, but we're talking about such a big financial investment you must be willing to compromise your vision. This isn't some small indie game.
Secondly making changes based on user feedback doesn't necessarily cheapen the original product. My favorite developer right now is CD Projekt Red. These guys make great games, but aren't afraid to admit to their flaws and make improvements to their games based on user feedback. The free enhanced patches made great improvements to both Witcher games.
Lastly this isn't some artist on the street, but a big company trying to make money. You often mention we should vote with our wallets, well in a way this is it. For those like me who have been disappointed with DA2 and now ME3. We are having big doubts as whether their next game will be a day one purchase or not. So for Bioware it comes down to either sticking to their visions or making a compromise to keep brand loyalty and not lose some of their consumers.
@buccomatic I din't say they are angels, only that their not as bad as ppl make them out to be. Their in the business of making money, like every other business out there.
I remember when John Riccitiello took over and promised to focus more on new IP's. Those games did not do well, It's a miracle we even got a sequel for Dead Space. Or how they kept pouring money into Swtor when any other publisher would've forced Bioware to release that game along time ago. Which is more than I can say of alot of other publishers.
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