@Cordliss @GaryAtkin01 @Kraken422 You know what he means. Every game world has it sets of rules. Just like you would never get a medieval knight in Halo, you would also have certain expectations based on the world, tone and subject matter of MGS.
@MaximumPorkchop To be fair the game is filled with high res textures, since you're expected to read a lot. So it might be a bit premature to call it badly programmed
@Mister_Zurkon @Sun-Tzu-GE IMHO this game seems closer to a visual novel. Anyone approaching this game from a gameplay perspective will probably feel disappointed.
@WICGuardian @Oogazi I dunno. IMHO I've always found it ironic for a game called Grand Theft Auto to have really lousy driving. I found the vehicles in Sleepy Dogs to have much tighter handling(except motorcycles).
@ni6htmare01 I don't really think they care. I expect they knew it was possible to make a profit. But given COD profit margins they've gotten accustomed to, must have made this game not worth further investment in their eyes.
@Sina Madani Achievements on PC are a joke though. With a total lack of security and a ton of people using cheat engine, trainers, etc, achievements have no value. I don't see them going any further than their current state, resources are better spent elsewhere.
@shingui5 @Pro-Aktivity Well they could always stick to one voice, it's not like say, Varick talked any different despite being a dwarf. Or they could do the saints row thing, and add three different fully voiced options.
Pro-Aktivity's comments