@ethanm1834 I dunno, I would be more willing to keep the guy that's responsible for your currently most successful franchise. I would have been more flexible to his needs, off-course I dunno how inflexible he was. We don't know how much creative freedom he was given at THQ compared to what Ubi was willing to let him get away with.
@BillyColeman If your knowledge of MK ends with MK V DC, then you're missing what made MK9 so great. Also gameplay wise the reboot(and this game) has very little in common with DOA.
@LukeWesty To be fair demand isn't restricted to DLC alone. The AC games offer something no other game does, which is why each sequel game reaches higher sales figures. Financially you can't fault them. As much as I my whine about game fatigue, I'd probably do the same in their position.
Man, Ubisoft really wants to run this franchise into the ground. I really need a break from these games, guess I'll buy this game 4-5 months after release. Ubisoft might not care much for brand fatigue, but I've enjoyed these games too much to let them ruin it for me.
@Skakruk There's no reason why both games can't co-exist. If anything this might be the best time for Square Enix to bring this out. With the success of Naughty Dog and their exclusivity to Sony, this leaves a big market on Xbox, PC, etc. for Tomb Raider.
@bledsoe45sbc Their manufacturing costs determine how low they can go. They have a bottom line that they won't be able to cross even if MS undercuts them.
@scaperat1 It might not feature groundbreaking features. but that doesn't mean it's cheaper to make. Things like 8 gigs of GDDR5 ram is very expensive atm. I know they sell these at a loss, but $299 right out of the gate would just crush Sony.
Haters gonna hate. If you're gonna write off a game simply because it's an fps, then by the same logic you can write off every game out there. Personally I enjoyed KZ3. For a brown game, it had a very nice art design. I really enjoy the heavy weight the shooting mechanics, movement, etc. has. I just hope they can get a better writer, cause the story in those games is crap.
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