ProductofChina's forum posts
Well, looks to me as if MGS has pretty good AI. It does some things that SC's AI doesn't but SC also does things that MGS can't.
SC's A.I is nothing compared to MGS's.
I don't really see how that is. I mean, the AI in MGS don't really work together. They are sent in groups to find you but they don't actually work together as they do in Splinter Cell where one guy searches and if he finds something suspicous, he yells for his partner to come. They also track you a lot better than they do MGS. Like I said before, the guards in MGS always know your location when they're in alert mode. I was hiding in a vent waiting until the timer dropped down so that they could leave. The AI in Splinter Cell search for you. If they can lose track of you if you hide even in alert mode. If you had moved from your the spot you were spotted in, they won't automatically know where you went. They usually keep flanking your original spot. If you make a sound or show your self in a obvious way then they will find you again.
Hey, tell me a bit more about MGS AI. All I remeber about the AI is that if something suspicious happens, a bar appears and drops to 0. When it does, everything is back to normal. If you're seen, another bar overlapping the suspicous bar comes up and infinite guards rush at you.
When a dead body is found they call for reinforcements and a replacement, if the reinforcements find you they send an attack force, hiding under boxes doesn't work unless the box matches the other boxes around you, if you KO a guard andhe sees you beforehe gets KOedhe'll tell the gaurd who woke him up that there's an intruder, if they see something supspicious they run, not walk to you (seems a bit robotic though).
Well, looks to me as if MGS has pretty good AI. It does some things that SC's AI doesn't but SC also does things that MGS can't.
I'd call them versatile.
When you're playing as Snake, your movement isn't so stiff and you can actually go into a run without having to wait 5 seconds. I always sighed whenever I had to use a ladder in Spliter Cell.Pariah_001
Isn't that because Snake is usually standing up and hardly ever needs to crouch since MGS is more action oriented? Splinter Cell is slower and Sam has to go through slow animations because of the slower paced game. Not really anything to do with controls.
I don't know how you can overlook the dynamic enemy AI in the MGS series. Granted, the other games you listed are great, but none of them had even good enemy AI. Thief? Shoot an arrow through a window into a candle, a gaurd won't even wonder whats going on. Hitman? Patrol. Shoot if you see someone with a gun that does not wear the same clothes as you do. Splinter Cell? Run around like idiots when something is wrong. Run into a wall. Face a wall.
Seriously, your argument for it being a bad stealth series is terrible, since the enemy AI usually makes these games, not just what your character is capable of.
Hey, tell me a bit more about MGS AI. All I remeber about the AI is that if something suspicious happens, a bar appears and drops to 0. When it does, everything is back to normal. If you're seen, another bar overlapping the suspicous bar comes up and infinite guards rush at you.
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