Now give that plumber a long vacation, or even retirement. Move on, Nintendo - get back into the frontline. In my opinion; Nintendo has more and more become a brand, selling rainbow-colored, sugar-coated sweets-- with more sugar inside.... Seeing Mario's face again and again just makes me skip the page instantly until something unique pops up.
@Tigerbite2 @PsiZombie @kgallis21 Yeah, but do you know how much money M$ earns on only licenses for Windows and Office and all the other junk their selling for overrated prices; not to mention Xbox Live Gold memberships so you can play online on your 360?
@kgallis21 @PsiZombie The word "very" is quite underestimated in this case. Micro*blasphemy* committed suicide, no matter they changed the whole concept of traded gaming. Since Windows 98, it was just a matter of time before they eliminated themselves forever.
@19James89 @CRAPCOM1926 I've been a loyal Xbox gamer for many years (besides having a PS3 and a powerful PC), and am definitely not getting an Xbox One. I'm definitely getting a PS4 - oh, and not a WiiU, judging how much dust is topping on my Wii :p
@Bioshockfps Nice for him, indeed - I also prefer games, but if somebody as talented as him can get into the movie business (recap or not), then he's really scoring high :) respect for the man with a vision :)
PsiZombie's comments