Is it possible to format a drive that has a proprietary file system, unable to be read by Windows or Linux, to a file system that can be read by Windows, but. . .still be able to recover the data it had on it before? Literally what I mean is can I take my broken PS3 hard drive, which can only be read by a Playsation (and only MINE, not even someone else's), format it to NTFS or FAT-32, then recover the data through either Windows or Linux? It'd be risky, but if possible I'd really like to.
It's just a standard 32 inch. Not high def or anything. But why would it be my TV?? It starts the second I turn on a netflix movie. DVD's and streaming movies from my computer don't do this.
Alright so I got the update last night and everything seemed fine. I went into netflix and saw all of the movies that you browse through blah blah blah. After adding a few to my queue I started playing one. It loaded fine and everything but it was really really dark, brightness wise. I thought it was just the movie itself but after awhile of being dark it would gradually go back to it's default brightness level. At that point I knew it couldn't just be the movie so I opened up my guide and sure enough it too was getting dark, then bright, then dark. After that I just quit out of the movie and then it was fine again. Now today when I go into netflix it doesn't even let me browse through movies it just shows whats in my queue. And the brightness thing is still happening! Wtf this is really annyoing! Is this happening to anyone else? Is this a glitch with the update or is my xbox freakin out
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