To those of you treating this as a joke, quit being so ignorant. 1,004 people have been infected with it in Mexico with 68 people so far dead. Two of the deaths were near the border in Baja, California. 8 people in the U.S. so far have been infected as well, but have recovered.This is actually serious,as the WHO and CDC are raising concern. All schools in Mexico city and the state the city is located in have been closed for now. Links:
How come no one seems to care about this? We might be getting into something very bad and the subject of this topic has turned into trolls and laziness wtf
I have a feeling this will be way better than GTA. The shooting actually looks fun, the cover system seems to be pretty useful, and the driving. Well the driving is obviously better then GTA.
They're pretty amazing. Only place I've ever had a "real" burger IMO. But you think they're tied with red robin and chillis? Wow, red robin is way over priced for average at best burgers and chillis is just... The same as everything else.
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