IF you watch the first 10 seconds of that video you'll see that jacob stays suspended in the same spot for a while. When I play he just goes straight down..... I guess I'm screwed? Waste of 60 bucks.
Alright, I'm on the last mission after the point where roman dies and what not. Everything is normal up until I have to chase the helicopter with demitri in it. After falling off the side of demitri's helicopter I jump in the boat as fast as possible and just put the pedal to the metal on that b**** but I can never get to jacob's helicopter in time. His chopper keeps descending towards the water instead of staying where it is and I can't get under it before he takes off. I've tried at least 20 times and I'm starting to get pissed. Is this a glitch or do I have to put some f*ckin rockets on my boat??
[QUOTE="PuddinPant"]Eh, not trying to sound like a dick but they're not very good at all. Sooooo much better deathcore ripe for the pickinzLief_Ericson
Have you heard their old music or new because they are different
Yeah, it definitely sounds a lot different then the other songs on the album but I thought it was a lot catchiery then the rest. It also has somewhat of a jazz(?) feeling to it which I like.
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