Pump_man44's forum posts
do you suck? im level 40...
XBL TAG: Living Rapturelivingrapture
if he sucks then i'm worst because im lvl 27 i think in doubles......
battlefield, ninja gaiden 2, endwar, turok, fuel wars, quake wars, rainbow six vegas 2, GT......... hehehehehhe (its along way to australia...), the club, too human, fallout 3, lost odyssey. splinter cell conviction, UT3, condemned 2, Star Wars the force unleashed, prototype, halo wars, fable 2, borderlands, banjo-kazooie, mafia 2, RE5, Halo project, soul calibur 4, midnight club: los angeles, left 4 dead, world in comflict, and lots more....
i have asassins creed
dead rising virtua fighter 5 halo3 the orange box crackdown guitar hero 3
i have enough for 1 game what should i getiamfudge
Singlerplayer: Bioshock
Live: CoD4
Other: Overlord ect....
This is what EA wrote to fox:
Your headline above the televised story read: "New videogame shows full digital nudity and sex." Fact: Mass Effect does not include explicit or frontal nudity. Love scenes in non-interactive sequences include side and profile shots - a vantage frequently used in many prime-time television shows. It's also worth noting that the game requires players to develop complex relationships before characters can become intimate and players can chose to avoid the love scenes altogether.
FNC voice-over reporter says: "You'll see full digital nudity and the ability for players to engage in graphic sex."
Fact: Sex scenes in Mass Effect are not graphic. These scenes are very similar to sex sequences frequently seen on network television in prime time.
FNC reporter says: "Critics say Mass Effect is being marketed to kids and teenagers."
Fact: That is flat out false. Mass Effect and all related marketing has been reviewed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) and rated Mature - appropriate for players 17-years and older. ESRB routinely counsels retailers on requesting proof of age in selling M-rated titles and the system has been lauded by members of Congress and the Federal Trade Commission. In practical terms, the ratings work as well or better than those used for warning viewers about television content.
ah no worries then and yeah cougar i think ur right about it gettin to serious i might create another topic about cod4 friends for a party and sry if i got agro over nothin o and pumpman when u get cod4 again hows about me u and dabeasty doin some slayer?angrules23
Thats if the matchmaking works.....
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