Pump_man44's forum posts
[QUOTE="Pump_man44"]their winter is during our summer.[QUOTE="ctfvyrsgurbnorn"][QUOTE="EwokAvenger"]thats sucks if have to wait all way to winter im really looking forward to this game one thing i do wonder if you will be to go light side ive heard stuff about you can choose to turn away from the darkside and everything.ctfvyrsgurbnorn
yeah because its summer now in aus
sorry to be off topic, but that's so weird. it's so unreal knowing that right here at my house it's 1 degree fahrenheit outside, but where you are it's like what, 70s? it amazes me, not that that's hard to do..70 wow the highest ever in australia this summer would be 50. Its about 25-35C
Doesn't suprise me. I came into the 2008 year knowing that pretty much every game I want to play will be delayed.
And poor PS3 sales isn't an excuse. Theres what, 8-9 mil PS3's worldwide now. Back when 360 first came out dev's weren't delaying games when it had a 5-9 mil install base. And delaying the game will not make people buy any systems, but putting the game on the shelfs will. And why not just delay the PS3 version a month to 3 months.
I call BS on that part.
no it was poor ps3 sales in the chrismas meaning games and consoles
jw how much is this cause i know of a good capture card thats 60 dollars but make sure you have and in and output red white and yellow jacks in the back of the tv they server the same purpouse unless your doing such a thing srry if i got offtopic here it is you can get it at walmart
Only problem is that australia doesn't have walmart
[QUOTE="EwokAvenger"]thats sucks if have to wait all way to winter im really looking forward to this game one thing i do wonder if you will be to go light side ive heard stuff about you can choose to turn away from the darkside and everything.ctfvyrsgurbnorntheir winter is during our summer.
yeah because its summer now in aus
"Quote OXM Aus"
You're enjoying an apparently friendly bout of turok multiplayer when you're stabbed suddenly in the ear. Why? Because the Grab Bag achievement is awarded for killing a creature, an enemy, a team-mate and yourself. Yes you're being rewarded for killing a team mate, Sigh.
To get 100% Evil you have to do eveything the guides say. Well theres this one thing thats not in the major part of the guide. It's get 10 slaves. It said there are 3 slaves in Spree. I think I have killed everyone in spree. Do I have to restart. Or will they respawn or something.chaoz-king
dont worrie they respawn like the sheep, only problem is that they att u if u kill one of them
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