Well, I have nothing better to do right now, so I guess I'll write another blog. :) Hope you don't mind a little variety! ~I wish the site would start putting correct timestamps on forum and blog posts. It'd be nice to know when exactly someone replied. ~Yay, the Seahawks won the NFC game yesterday! They're going to the Superbowl! Dont get me wrong, I'm no football fan (at all) but it's a huge sports milestone for this city. It's about time Seattle gets some recognition! ~I am really ticked off at my friends right now. I'm always the one to call them and try to arrange something. They never call me to do anything- well, except to cancel, that is. A couple months ago, I had five plans in a row cancelled on me. So, I decided that if anyone wanted to see me, they'd call me. And you know what? Nobody has. Granted, I have a very small group of friends, but you'd think tht at least one could take some time to call me. But I'm not going to make the first move. I'm sick of feeling like I'm begging for someone's time. This kind of thing makes you feel really self-consious. I need to find some new friends who won't take me for granted and know the value of friendship. ~My birthday's in six days! 18...wow. It's hard to beleive my childhood's finally coming to an end. I won't have to struggle to get the respect I deserve anymore. It's exciting, but also terrifying. I won't be protected as a minor anymore. I want to do something memorable for my b-day, but it's hard when you have a crappy social life. ~Well, my site's almost finished! Most of the content's up now, I just have to make a few more. I can't even begin to tell you how laborious it's been preparing the screenshots for the clothes. Snap, cut, position, snap, cut, position, save... ~My room needs to be cleaned. It's hard to motivate myself to do it, since it's in a biohazard state, lol. There's piles of clothes on the floor, the fish tank needs to be cleaned, and the ferret cage is dirty. They also need a bath. They smell like little skunks! Well, I guess I better work some more on my site... I'll dedicate a blog to it when it's finished. Hope I didn't bore you guys too much!
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