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Purplepaws Blog

It's Ready!

Ok, I think my site's finally ready for its public debut. Can I have your final opinions on it? If you wouldn't mind answering a few questions, it would be much appreciated. The address is 1. How is the loading speed compared to most sites you visit? 2. Do you like the layout? It it easy to use? 3. Do you think the homepage (update page) needs anything? 4. Do you get a "no suitable nodes..." message when you try to download something? 5. Is there any part of the site where you have to scroll, even just a little bit? 6. Is there anything else that seems amiss to you? 7. What's your current browser and screen resolution (if you know)? Any further comments are welcomed, of course! Thanks a bunch, everyone!

A Whole Lot of Randomness

Well, I have nothing better to do right now, so I guess I'll write another blog. :) Hope you don't mind a little variety! ~I wish the site would start putting correct timestamps on forum and blog posts. It'd be nice to know when exactly someone replied. ~Yay, the Seahawks won the NFC game yesterday! They're going to the Superbowl! Dont get me wrong, I'm no football fan (at all) but it's a huge sports milestone for this city. It's about time Seattle gets some recognition! ~I am really ticked off at my friends right now. I'm always the one to call them and try to arrange something. They never call me to do anything- well, except to cancel, that is. A couple months ago, I had five plans in a row cancelled on me. So, I decided that if anyone wanted to see me, they'd call me. And you know what? Nobody has. Granted, I have a very small group of friends, but you'd think tht at least one could take some time to call me. But I'm not going to make the first move. I'm sick of feeling like I'm begging for someone's time. This kind of thing makes you feel really self-consious. I need to find some new friends who won't take me for granted and know the value of friendship. ~My birthday's in six days! It's hard to beleive my childhood's finally coming to an end. I won't have to struggle to get the respect I deserve anymore. It's exciting, but also terrifying. I won't be protected as a minor anymore. I want to do something memorable for my b-day, but it's hard when you have a crappy social life. ~Well, my site's almost finished! Most of the content's up now, I just have to make a few more. I can't even begin to tell you how laborious it's been preparing the screenshots for the clothes. Snap, cut, position, snap, cut, position, save... ~My room needs to be cleaned. It's hard to motivate myself to do it, since it's in a biohazard state, lol. There's piles of clothes on the floor, the fish tank needs to be cleaned, and the ferret cage is dirty. They also need a bath. They smell like little skunks! Well, I guess I better work some more on my site... I'll dedicate a blog to it when it's finished. Hope I didn't bore you guys too much!

Um, ok...

Well this is weird... My banner and profile images are back up, but things are still a little nutty. The blog dates are inaccurate, and the comment links aren't always trustworthy. I clicked to view the comments on Wolf's blog, and it took me to someone else's blog on "The Colon War." Then I checked for new comments on Jedi's blog and it said the link was invalid. Then there's the emblems... I've returned to being an editor of a show, as well as a trusted user, lol. As for my site, I'd really like your guys' input now that it's working for all browsers. I never got a response to my last message on the previous blog, so I assume you didn't read it. Again, the address is Keep in mind, though, that I still need to change the model image in the upper left corner (not to mention add the content, lol), so it's not finished yet. However, there is one download in the boys/everyday section for testing purposes. Thanks in advance for the input! *Edit*I added a new model image and slightly improved the page design. The only thing left to do is add the content- yay!

What's Going On?

For the past two or three days, I've only been able to connect to the message boards once, and I wasn't even able to post a blog until now... Yesterday, my door number two emblem disappeared, and in its place were editor and trusted user icons. Weird, considering I'm neither. Also, the images I post won't show up! Grrr... I noticed they added a nice little animation to the level image, though. (Yay, I'm almost to level ten!) Hey, can you guys test something for me? I'm starting a site for my Sims 2 kids' clothes downloads, and I want a few opinions before I open it to the public. There's no content yet, but the layout's done. One person I asked said the links on the left menu bar appeared scratchy and illegible, but it looks very clear to me, even at the highest screen resolution. I'm not sure if the frames will display correctly at settings lower than 1024 x 768, however. Anyway, just give me your overall opinion! The address is Thanks!

Merry Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL!!! May the warmth of the season bring peace and joy to you and your families, and may you remember the true reason for celebration.

Quick Update

Hey, it's been while, so I thought I'd make a quick entry. I just taught myself how to animatate, so I added a little animation to my banner image, as well as my avatar image. Let me know what you think! Animation's really fun to do, so I'll probably be making tons more in the future... *Edit* I need a spot to test my new blinkies, so I'll just use this blog entry. :P This is addicting! I can't stop making them!!! Lol By the way, if any of you want your own custom name blinkie, I'd be glad to make one for you!

Sometimes It's Hard to See the Light

It's a bit earlier in the day than I'm used to for blog-writing, but I thought I'd better do it now before I forget. For the longest time, I've had a dream to go to Europe- Italy, specifically. I thought I was going to get that chance for my 18th b-day. I should have known it was too good to be true. There I was floating around in my little bubble, hopelessly optimistic... until yesterday when my dad burst it. He was the one who agreed to giving me a trip, and now he's taken back his offer. I know the reason... we just don't have the money... but then why had he said "we'll make it work?" I hate this. I hate having my dreams shattered like this. I hate being let down all the time. I hate how my friends have gradually become too busy for me. I hate how I'm petrified to start a career. I hate never having money for anything. I hate not having a bug supportive family. It's a lonely, lonely world. Though, in the midst of all this, there are several things I'm immensely thankful for- things I think I'd fall apart without. My mother, for one- I don't know what I'd do without her. And my pets, with their ever-present unconditional love for humans. And my dad, well- let's not get started on him... Let's just say he needs prayer. My life's so screwed up... and the thing that gets me is I try- I try to make things better. I hope and pray, and wait... so much waiting... I'm sick of waiting...

Sims and Shampoo

I think it's time for a new blog post. Hmmm... what to write about? Well I just finished posting some new creations at Mod the Sims 2- several rugs and a few fish tank recolors. The rugs were annoying to do since the texture is mapped oddly. Okay, that probably means nothing to you, but it's something to write about, at least. I have a rather different shampooing method. Since I have oily skin, I have to wash my hair three times to get it clean. I used to sometimes lose track of what number I was on, so I'd often end up shampooing four times. Then I came up with a little method to remember what number I was on and prevent unnecessary shampoo loss. For each number, I sing a TV theme song in my head according to the number of roomates in the show. For the first, I think of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, since she lived alone. For the second, Laverne and Shirley (two roomates), and for the third, you guessed it- Three's Company. It's a funny system, but it works! Then when I condition, the song from Fiddler on the Roof always pops into my head, only instead of "tradition", I think "condition." Wouldn't that be a great song for a Jewish shampoo commercial? Lol...


Yay, they say it's supposed to snow today and tomorrow! I guess the Farmer's Almanac was correct, which means it also won't snow again 'till February, darn it. We always seem to get snow at the weirdest times. Once it snowed a couple feet in April! That was the big snowfall of the year... okay, probably the decade. Though we get a lot of rain, snow is always quite lacking. (Betcha can't tell where I live, hah.) There's usually only a couple significant snowfalls a year with a typical accumultion of five inches. Five measley little inches... and never a white Christmas. Oh well, I suppose I could always move to Alaska. I've got family there, lol.

Turkey Day

Well today was Thanksgiving, and I have to say I'm still stuffed! (That may be in part due to the two small leftover plates I had since dinner :) It's wonderful to be able to eat so much and stay so small!) Anyway, I made my usual appetizers and creamy mashed potatoes, along with my second-annual choclate-almond cookies. I spent the evening at home, with my parents, which is what usually happens, especially since the last relative that lived within 300 miles of me moved out of state last summer. We were supposed to have a couple people over to join us this year, but they cancelled, so we got stuck with a huge turkey. Leftovers anyone? Afterwards, we watched the holiday classic, Christmas Vacation. Those laughs never seem to get old. I love the whole Vacation series, well except for Vegas Vacation. That one wasn't as good. So what about you guys? How did you spend Thanksgiving? And now for a random factoid that I just learned from watching an interview on the Three's Company Season Five disk set. Jenilee Harrison was only 19 years old when she got the part of Cindy Snow. 19! I didn't know she was that young! Did you? I guess I never really thought about it before, but now that I look at her, she did seem much younger than the other two.