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Puscifer_No1 Blog

All that shimmers is Diamond.....

This week is going to blow the Kraken's nuts. It's getting closer to my departure date for my deployment. 8 friggin' months and although I'll be pulling into port regularly, my PS3 isn't going to be connected to :evil: :lol:

Anyways, hope y'all doing well and staying safe and gaming hard.

Oh and I've being playing deftones' latest outing "Diamond Eyes" (as if you didn't notice :roll: ). Very different from everything else, which is a good thing and it's one of their best albums yet.


Well, today has got to be the worst day of the year so far in.

First, I get told I'm going on an 7-8 month deployment. Now of course, it's mandatory, I'm in the military for christ sake's :roll: but my wife and I had planned on renewing our vows this October (close to our 5 year anniversary mark) and have an actual ceremony. My parents from England (since I live in the US) were suppose to be coming out. It's been nearly 6 years since I've seen my Dad and stepmom and nearly 5 since I've seen my mom and now I have the painful job of telling them it probably won't be happening this year :( This is also, somewhat, denying them of seeing their grandchildren for the first time, which I'm sure is going upset them all. I'd also be missing out on seeing my nephew for the first time.

My wife wasn't too happy in the slightest when I told her, as you can imagine. Not only would I be missing our "wedding", I'd be missing my daughter's first birthday, all my kids birthday's, my wedding anniversary and quiet possibly christmas. This really blows. And my command didn't even tell me official until today/yesterday. And the detachment leaves at the end of April, which technically they can't do for a few reasons: 1) It's too short notice, seeing as it's a long cruise, I'd need at least 3 months in advance but because of complications with ship availability, I guess they had no choice. 2) They're sending two of us out on this det, who work in the same rate, which, for financial reasons, they shouldn't be doing, but a workmate told us our supervisors were talking about sending us both and then pulling the other worker out after a short time, leaving me on the boat.

Sorry, I'm venting, it's just really frustrating and my wife is under a lot of pressure.

I won't go on about my other dilemma, it's too long-winded to divulge info, even for a blog (tl;dr anyone?)

I hope everyone has been having a gas these past few months.



Seriously, have the mods not changed around here?! I got modded for making a suggestion towards someone who wanted to do something to pass the time while he waited for November 11th to come along (obviously for MW2) and I suggested getting out more. WTF?! I got modded for that?! Seriously some of you mods need to chill the **** out, or some of you users need to pull the stick out of your @$$es.

I'm pretty tanked right now, but when this bs happens, it's not cool.

Baby #4

So, yeah as we speak my wife is getting ready to have our #4 child. I'm pretty excited since this is going to be my first girl (the eldest is a girl but biologically not mine) and thankfully my last kid.

Anyhow, Dead Space has been giving me the chills, getting back into playing that since I've been too chicken (yes I'll admit it, it made me jump...A LOT) but now I'm use to the necromorphs jumping out all over the place. inFamous is giving me a headache, looking for the last blast shard and trying to go through the Good Karma storyline. And finally I got BlazBlue (I got the Limited Edition used and the last copy :) ) so I've been hammering away at the story and training modes since I haven't played Guilty Gear in forever and a day.

I hope everyone has had somewhat a good weekend and here's to the next!



So I'll be taking a break from the interwebz for a while not that I'll be missed by many. Well, cheers.

My My My MY my My YM

Hoping has you gripped in fear that the inconceivable will happen when you know in fact it won't, dellusion I believe is the term for today, it was a good day to get high, high in fiber from the food you eat in the result of using up energy doing random and unexplainable actions, which was set off by a chain reaction known as fate which caused him to wake from his mid morning nap at the sound of women slapping breast against breast, having a mid-life crisis popping pills in the downstairs bathroom at 4am is a good way to start the day

It is a known fact, Magic Mushrooms, prepared correctly, are the most irressitable drug on the planet. Take 2 once a day with tea.

It fails to diversify any negative sounds

Which beat would consist of four metal rods each inserted into the cranium of a male human being while being rotated on a huge table, watching live stream videos of car crashes, violent beatings, rape, canniblism and torture?

A priest ask for forgiveness only to subject himself to a "gratifying" handjob from the hooker down the street with the church's donation collection from the previous sunday. It's 6am, the hooker has yet to make the priest explode with his "holy water", whats the conundrum? Having said that, what day and what time is it?

Too much LSD can cause your brain to suddenly malfunction....starting.....4 minutes ago.

Summer Lovin'

Well, it's Sunday, the least liked part of the weekend, for some, and I'm sitting at the computer bored as hell while my wife plays Final Fantasy X-2. So I though a blog would be in order, maybe :?, and just wondering what everyone is up to this summer?

I know myself it's going to be filled with taking my kids to the beach (which isa 10 minute walk for me :P ) and swimming, but other than that my command will be transitioning to the New Working Uniform (pictures will be uploaded once I can find the time) which looks pretty cool but too much like the Marines. Anyhow, gaming wise I'll be looking forward to this years E3 though I'm not getting my hopes up, that way I'll be suprised even more so. Games might be a bit scarce since I'm having a 4th kid and having birthdays during the holiday period but I'll be trying to keep up to date with them. I'm looking forward to the InFamous vs. Prototype "battle" will turn out. Ghostbusters : The Videogame is on my radar and I'm also looking forward to see if the bluray copy of Final Fantasy VII : Advent Children Complete will include the Final Fantasy XIII demo or not. But other than that this summer will give me a chance to catch up on some of my games that have been collecting dust (I'm debating at the moment wether to trade some in for The Chronicles of Riddick : Assault on Dark Athena).

Movies look promising but as usual I don't ever have the time, chance or money to go to the movies anymore (I was suppose to see Watchmen, never happened) so my options are to see what is being released on DVD/BD this summer. I already purchased The Spirit and Sin City on BD as well as the 12th season of South Park. June 16th marks the release of the 7th Season (or volume :?) of Family Guy though I never watch it on TV anymore, commercials always ruin it for me. These are the only tv shows that interest me at the moment other than House M.D. but there's no word on when Season 5 will be released.

Well that wraps this blog up for now, nothing more to say other than a shout out to K1LLR3175 for his hilarious thread in the PS3 Board.


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