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Puscifer_No1 Blog

It's been a while.

Hey bloggers (lol, i jest) just thought I'd drop a blog while I'm waiting for flight gear to be turned in for the night from the pilots and aircrewmen.

Since my last blog things have gone their usual course which overall is good. I'm still playing Killzone 2 (which is literally taking over every aspect of my gaming life lol)

Not really sure what else to tell ya ladies and gents. I'm sure there was something I was going to tell you but I had a brain fart.

i hate blogs

My wife is coming very close to a divorce. We just had a massive argument (what started out with me playing videogames "all the time") and now she has left the house for a while. She infuriates me so much sometimes I just want to strangle her. She says all I do is play videogames, which to be fair is kind of true, to a degree. I honestly have nothing else to do in my time because I take care of the kids if she isn't too busy with something else (usually her make-up) and then once they are taken care of I have free time. But that was before this week. I'm doing this Bearings course (2 weeks) and I've been having to get up at 6am, drive 30 miles, spend all day discussing random topics, then when I get home, around 430pm, she has the kids eating dinner and then I put them to bed since they "only listen to me". Well after that I've been jumping online with Killzone 2, and then I go to bed, BUT, before I even think about videogames, I've suggested that we could watch a movie or tv (I'm not too worried if I miss out a few nights without videogames) but she always ends up falling asleep before I do which prompts me to play cause I'm not going to watch a movie while she is asleep cause she'll say something.

Anyways, we argued about why I'm having to do this Bearings course (it had something to do with my wife and I getting into some serious trouble, but she admitted it was her fault then **** about me having to go to her own class and me going mine), about the kids, as per usual with her, and a lot of meaningless bs. I'm fed up with her making it seem like she has it hard all the time. When's the last time any of you guys let your wife/gf's spend a $1000 on make-up? Cause I was stupid enough to let mine and then she turns round saying she would have not bought it if she knew it was going to cause trouble, but with her she never thinks about that, only about her stupid make-up. She also jumped to conclusions about me visiting this stupid dating website which I've been getting emails from, so I got one yesturday or this morning and I went to get my name taken off their mailing list. Well sure enough the link takes me to someone's profile and then for some reason IE shuts down, then I just turn and leave for this class. Now being the ever trusting wife, mine starts texting me saying we're going to have problems cause of the link being in the history file or something and automatically suspects me of going there, which I haven't though my wife will swear blind "I have". She also **** about me not talking to her about my problems. The whole reason I don't is cause half to 3 quarters of the time they invovle her and I know it will escelate into an argument. I did say I was sick of being tired (cause she accused me of being snappy all the time) and I said I'm tired all the time, I never get to take naps like she does and she then continued on about she only falls asleep cause she's bored. Well now who's the hypocrite for not talking about her problems. My wife will never tell me she's bored, even though I'll ask her if there's anything she wants to do or anything she wants to watch.

I'm just sick and tired of the bs my wife brings up every time we argue which she has no right to.

Lol @ 2 suspensions in week :lol:

Well as the title says, I got modded and suspended twice within the space ofa couple of days. :lol: needless to say it was over something really tedious and stupid (I called one guy a whiny brat and another a moron, which they both deserved and I'll stand by my remarks :P )

Anyways, I had an enjoyable weekend, got myself SF IV and KZ2 as well as FEAR, FEAR 2 and Devil May Cry 4. Also I got the new Lamb Of God CD "Wrath" which kicks ass. Today I received my copy of The Prodigy's new CD "Invaders Must Die" which I'm listening to right now. :) And to top off the "spending spree" I got a new toy in the form of a new phone (My EnV was taking a beating and the battery was steadily slipping in terms of battery life) so I got an LG Dare. I did want the Blackberry Storm but there's no way in hell I'm paying $30 a month for email and internet (which sadly goes for all B;ackberry phones since my second choice was a Blackberry Curve).

To those who wanted to fight this weekend on SF IV (Musashi) and those who I told I would challenge (Scianix) I apologise, I definately will sometime this week or weekend seeing as it's the work week.

Hectic week = Good Ending ?!

Well, all things considering, since my last blog, this past week has been an eye opener. Needless to say I'm back on track with things and I'm no longer fearing for the wellbeing of myself.

I hope everyone has been good, I haven't really been going to people's blogs to catch up on recent events but I'll try to get up to speed.

So, what have people being doing with themselves? For myself, I've been going back and forth between which tech colleges to go to for online courses (My GI Bill will cover any of them so tuition fees aren't an issue) so I can obtain an Associates Degree. This has a couple of good outcomes. One obviously would be that it would further my career options after I get out of the navy, which unfortunately won't be for a long time. Secondly it looks good on my evaluations in the navy which can look good on my record. I'm hoping this can be a starting point in my life where I can finally start doing what I want to do for a change rather than do the right thing for other people.

Also, I'm starting to do some brainstorming for a small series of stories I'm creating in the rats maze that is my brain. Nothing is really taking form just yet, working out all the angles I can use for this whether I want it to play out for a long while in a series of short stories or have it come into one big one. If you guys have any ideas I'm always open to suggestions in any way, shape or form. Thanks will be included once they are written up to those who do contribute (this is not an incentive just to get ideas out of you, just to give people an view of what was brought into the story as a whole) to this creative process.

Well this is me signing off for now, my tea will be getting cold and it's already past my bedtime :P



Simply put, at this moment in time, although it would seem a lot different on here than it does beyond the screen, I'm taking a break from here for a while. Physically, I'm alright, mentally, I'm exhausted cause I feel like every day I'm going to break down. My eyes have hurt all morning and I woke up a 7am hoping to follow up with some plans I had but they fell through so that doesn't really help. Plus my wife was suppose to have her wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow but since she is pregnant they're unsure whether they can do the surgery which means I won't be able to take the rest of the week off, leaving me with no option but to carry on working ridiculous hours and having insufficient sleep, thus adding to my frustration and metal exhaustion.

So, I bid you all, well, those that will read this, a brief farewell, take care to those of you who are going through bad times, and to those of you who aren't.....well, just take care :lol:

Thank you.

New Additions

Well the forums are down and I'm bored so I thought I'd share my figure collection with you. Although there's only 2 here there's more but for now it's just these 2.

They're from Clive Barker's Tortured Souls series by McFarlane Toys. On the right is Venal Anatomica and on the left is The Scythe Meister. They each come with their own little tale that connects them to a larger story but I've been unable to complete the series (Theres 6 overall with Series 1 : Agonisties, The Sythe Meister, Lucidique, Talisac, Venal Anatomica and Moribundi) since they are hard to find now being near;y 10 years old. I wished, and at one point heard rumors, that Clive would make a movie or tv series about them but alas he is too busy I guess with other projects. More figures coming soon maybe?

New TV

Ok, so instead of posting pictures in my old "Money..." blog here are they are



It's an LG 50" Plasma TV and was pretty cheap compared to the Sony TV I was looking at.

Kid #4?!?!?! OMGWTFBBQ!!!

Yeah so my wife broke the news to me today that she was pregnant with baby #4. She called her mom first to tell her the "good" news. Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying it should be a happy time. But under my circumstances it's really stressful. I'm in the Navy as most of you might know, and I'm not exactly rolling in dough but I'm well of considering I'm an E-2 (lowest rank in the enlisted section after E-1). I was hoping not to have this dilemma so soon after the hell we've just been through these past few months (I won't go into detail cause it's personal but let's just say I nearly payed for it). On top of that being 23 and having 3 kids already is time consuming. I feel bad for my 2nd eldest (who shares my birthday and was born 5:01pm whereas I was born 5:00pm 21 years earlier :P ) cause he hasn't really had that much attention cause of the eldest and my youngest. And introducing another sibiling into the mix would only confuse them even more. I know these are all normal feelings to be going through cause of being stressed out about the baby being taken care of is a number one priority but I know it will be taken care of. We have all of our old baby clothes from the kids before and her family and mine would help out as much as possible.

Idk, I just don't think I'm ready to have a new addition all over again.

Ok, **** you Mods >:(

I get frickin modded for making a topic about whether a 1TB HDD was a deal in the PS3 (cause I was going to get one for my PS3!) forum and they lock it and mod me. Tese forums are so ****ing hypocritical, you post anything stating your honest opinion or something like I did and you get @$$ raped for it! If I get modded one more time for something so tedious I'm out of here.

Money, Money, Money

Ok, so being the responsible person I am I filed my taxes this week and I'm getting a considerable large amount back (I'm not going to disclose the amount cause I don't want to bee seen as a gloating @$$hole). Anyways, bills, obviously, will be taken care of before any of it is spent. So the whole point to this blog is basically I'm asking for an opinion cause I'm setting my sights on a new tv. I already have one in mind but I just wanted some feedback from anyone so I don't go and waste my money (I've already done some research into the buying process i.e. What it will be used for, how often etc.). And yes I've also looked at other tv's besides this one :


This is the specs****com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&partNumber=KDL40XBR6

If this is worth buying then please say so, if not and you have a suggestion, it would be welcome :)

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