Well I got rid of my Wii and 360 to make time to actually play through my games on the PS3 ( not just because of favoritism, I have a huge collection of Bluray movies that I play on it too ) and just the other day I felt really empty. Like all these games that I play and enjoy were not fulfilling enough for me. I'm even starting to become more and more disillusioned by music too ( which plays a huge factor in my life cause I love my music ) Anyways, for the past few days, these feelings having been kind of dying down due to just sitting down and forcing myself to be content with what I have...gaming wise anyway cause I'll always be content with everything else.
Anyone else ever felt like this? I understand that this is very strange to feel like this but that's what is scaring me cause I've never felt empty when it comes to videogames.
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