I know its a little early to talk about things like this. As the console has not yet been shown. But when it is shown off on Tuesday when would you predict the release date for this console will be?
There is only one good thing about Elite and that is that you will get the DLC for free if you pay for the elite subscription fee but its still not enough to draw me in as I only play Call of duty for Zombies anyway.
I think the DS Emulator inside the 3DS is decent. It works well for me with some games I own like DQ9 and Pokemon but in games like PES 6 where the character models were very pixelated in the first place anyway look even worse on the 3DS. I Also sometimes find there to be a slight Frame drop in certain demanding games.
Skyrim Jump Ultimate stars Goldeneye Fallout Minecraft Portable Mario Strikers Smash Bros. Pokemon Death spank (3DS ware title) (Out of the lot though I would have Skyrim over anything.)
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