W00t! Until recently, copies of the Xbox version of JSRF were selling at a STEEP price! Stellar, memorable, different game... $10 is a steal. (Not sure what the person below meant about graffiti bug -- the game runs flawlessly on 360.)
@DarkSaber2k I hear you, and I agree to some extent (I still have every single graphic adventure they ever made, including those on floppy disks), but don't forget that those games left along with guys like Gilbert and Schaffer.
"I will green-light Battefront 3 on all platforms, including server-based MP with P2P fall-back (so the game can be played years after we decom the servers)".
Now resurrect the SW Battlefront 3 code, finish it, and release it on current-gen! Heck, I'd even settle for SWBF2 with some polishing and Gears3-quality matchmaking!
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