I'll be ordering the ULCE (hrmm.. awfully close to "ulcer"...) for myself, and a regular edition for the SO to play. She's a good sport w/MP, and a half-decent gamer.
Step up to the plate, Curt Schilling! Your people made a fun, solid game, and you could definitely afford to bankroll a couple paydays while the larger issues get sorted!
I would pre-order a Mirror's Edge 2 without hesitation. Mirror's Edge was unique, memorable, and I've seriously considered replaying it. All the time-trial modes were fun and addictive, whereas most games with "virtual trials" usually fall flat.
How about better gameplay, or a better plot? The first one was complete nonsense. At least the main three COD:MW games follow a decent narrative with a decent handful of interesting characters.
...ssssoooo.... $75 MILLION to fund a startup game company? That's insane. To be clear, I loved the game and its DLC. But even if they kept every penny of the sold games + DLC, that's only ~$20M (and that's not how the sale price breaks down). Had they loaned them $10M to get started, plus Schilling's seed money, this would already be profitable.
Shadows of the Damned -- Multiplayer would do NOTHING for it. It was too much of a brooding puzzler-type environment to encourage open firefights. ...but I totally agree that all the "Unreal modes" of MP would have been DELIGHTFUL in Vanquish. I'd take it a step further and say that an online brawling mode (and perhaps even Horde-type mode) in Bayonetta would have been fun too. (For those action-loving gamers who never tried Vanquish or Bayonetta, go download them on XBL immediately!)
"EA plans to ruin/water down yet another successful franchise -- story at 11."
Seriously, this is yet another SP game that is STELLAR without having to involve another player. ME3 MP lasted for about 3 hours on my system. As others have said below, this will seriously detract from the spooky-factor of the previous games.
Pyrosa's comments